38 MEETING OF CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES. usually not in favour with the paid official. He mentioned delegates present, who were secretaries, whose work was well known and was honorary. " The subjects for discussion were 'Local Natural History Societies and their Publications' and 'The Question of the Compilation of an Index to the Latter.' The first was dealt with by Mr. John Hopkinson, on behalf of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society; but the contribution from Mr. William Cole, of the Essex Field Club, upon the second did not reach the meeting in time to be read, though it appears in the report. Nevertheless, when discussing Mr. Hopkinson's paper, the question of a general index was considered, and most speakers were not in favour of such an undertaking. " Your delegate also attended a joint meeting of the Educa- tional Section of the French Association and the Conference of Delegates of the British Association, the object of which was to determine what could be done in France. Mr. Hopkinson and Dr. Garson gave further information with regard to the work of local societies; and Dr. Loir, the local Secretary for Havre, and Professor Julian Ray, President of the Educational Section, expressed their views, and promised that a report of what had been said should be sent to the various French so- cieties. The question of the changes which are to be made in French units was also discussed; and it was understood that the intention was to arrange a Conference at the meeting of the French Association in 1915 of the same character as the British Conference of Delegates of the Corresponding Societies." A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF LOCAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. We venture to place before the Conference some suggestions for a piece of work which might be undertaken by the Committee of the Con- ference, on behalf of the British Association, to the great benefit and encouragement of the numerous amateur naturalists in the country, and a work which would even be useful to students and practical workers in science of higher pretensions. It is that a full bibliography of all papers contained in the Transactions and Journals of local Scientific Societies of Great Britain and Ireland should be compiled and published. The value of such a work has forcibly suggested itself during the collation and binding up of the extensive series of these publications contained in the library of the Essex Field Club. It was abundantly evident how much information, the result of painstaking research, lies practically