42 THE DATING OF EARLY HUMAN REMAINS. by the human remains themselves. Personally I do not believe for a moment that any such human industry existed. THE HUMAN INDUSTRIES. The order of the human industries which will be referred to in the sequel is as follows:— Recent Man— Historic Times Early Iron Age Bronze Age Neolithic, or Later Stone, Age Azilian stage ? [Transition from Palaeolithic] Palaeolithic Man— Magdalenian Stage Solutrian ,, Aurignacian ,, Mousterian „ Acheulean ,, Chellean „ Early Palaeolithic Stage Pre-Stone Age Man, or the Age of Wood (?) PRE STONE AGE CULTURE, OR THE AGE OF WOOD. The most primitive group of implements that we find in use among modern savages belong to what may be called the "Age of Wood." This is not necessarily associated with either time or race, but is essentially a question of state of culture. Broadly speaking, the implements for hammering or crushing consist of natural (unworked) stones; while implements for cutting and piercing consist of thorns, the talons and teeth of wild animals, and the like. True stone implements, that is stone deliberately fashioned into some useful form of implement, are wanting. It seems to me a reasonable, indeed an inevitable, supposition —although perhaps it may be incapable of proof—that something of the same sort must have obtained among the earliest races of mankind. Possibly this may explain the poverty in flint implements which will be noted in the deposits which have yielded the earliest remains of man himself. Certainly we appear to have the remains of man himself at an earlier date than that at which we find evidences of unquestionable stone implements.