60 THE CHIGWELL ROW MEDICINAL SPRINGS: A LATE-EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ACCOUNT OF THEM. By (?) the Rev. Dr. WILLIAM MARTIN TRINDER. Edited by MILLER CHRISTY, F.LS. With Plate I. WHEN Miss Thresh and myself published, in 1910, The Mineral Waters and Medicinal Springs of Essex,1 we knew nothing of the existence of a manuscript, written nearly a century and a half ago, describing fully the lost Chigwell-Row well as it then existed. Consequently, we were unable to do more than give briefly2 such meagre information as we had been able to gather relative to the history and exact locality of the well in question, which was filled up and completely obliterated nearly half-a-century ago. Recently, however, such a manuscript has come to light. It has just been presented to the Library of the Essex Field Club by our member, Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, who acquired it many years ago, though he cannot now recollect from whom. It proves, on examination, to be of considerable interest in its way; and our Editor, Mr. Cole, deeming it (or most of it) worthy of publication in the pages of the Essex Naturalist, asked me to edit for press such portions as seemed worth printing—a task I undertook readily. The manuscript consists of 64 pages of foolscap-quarto, trimmed down to 8 by 61/8ins., gathered in sections of eight, the whole being stitched together roughly with coarse string near the back, and glued into an uninscribed cover of stout marbled paper. The text paper is rough Dutch hand-made, water- marked with the arms of the States of Holland, but undated. All pages, except the first and last, bear writing. All left-hand pages, except the first (which bears a drawing), are devoted to marginal key-notes to the subject-matter of the treatise, which is written entirely on the right-hand pages. These are folioed from 1 to 30, the numbering commencing (for some unex- plained reason) on page 4, which is folioed 1. There can be no doubt as to the object with which the manu- script was written, though nothing relating to this point is stated therein. Clearly it was designed for publication in the 1 Essex Field Club Special Memoirs, vol. iv. (Reprinted, with additions, from the Essex Naturalist, xv., pp. 185-253: 1909). 2 Op. cit., pp. 43-44.