EXPOSURE OF LONDON-CLAY AT CHINGFORD ESSEX. 75 (3) Brown loam...... aft 6in. Water is thrown out at the junction of this with :— (4) Tenacious brown clay, to bottom of working......4 to 5 ft. Strata I to 3 (which are not separated from each other by any hard and fast lines) represent the Claygate Beds, or "passage beds" between the London Clay and the Bagshot sands. Stratum 4, at the bottom of the pit, marks the highest part of the London Clay proper. More recently, a brickyard has been opened on the side of Park Hill, Chingford, a few hundred yards to the south-east of the section just described. In autumn, 1914. the section here showed (in descending order) :— Surface, about 230 ft. O.D. (1) Tenacious brown clay, with fossiliferous Septaria......3 ft. (2) Brown loamy clay, sandy in places......3 ft. (3) Tenacious brown clay ......3 ft 6in. (4) Brown loamy clay with streaks of sand ..... .2 ft., to bottom of working. The section is by no means a large one, and it is quite possible that the sandy beds 2 and 4 are only portions of large lenticular masses. The surface of the ground in this pit is about 15ft. below the bottom of the Pole Hill section, so it will be seen that the fossiliferous Septaria, occurring as they do but a little way below the base of the Claygate Beds, and just above two distinctly sandy seams, occupy a position very near the top of the London Clay. Many of the Septaria have a distinct element of sand in their composition and exhibit traces of stratification. Small crystals of selenite are abundant in the clay, while radiating crystals of Barytes are found in cavities on top of the fibrous calcite which lines the cracks in the Septaria. The Septaria in this Park Hill pit. contain numerous fossils. These have been kindly named by Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S., F.G.S., and the following is a list of the species obtained, those which occur plentifully being marked with an asterisk (*):— LAMELLIBRANCHIA, Modiola simplex (Sby.) Avicula media (Sby.) * ,, ,, elegans (Sby.) * „ ,, papyracea „ ,, tubicola (S. Wood) Pecten corneus *Axinea (Pectunculus) decussatus Pinna. sp. (Sby.)