PALAEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS FROM WANSTEAD PARK. 77 plement deposits of the Wanstead District may be tabulated as follows :— The description of a large patch of Middle Terrace Gravel occurring at Wanstead was given by Martin A. C. Hinton in the "Pleistocene Deposits of the Ilford and Wanstead District." (Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xvi.) This description included details of a remarkable section of contorted gravels, which was exposed early in 1898, in a pit N.W. of Wanstead Park, at a surface level of Soft. O.D. Here the following section was seen:— The importance of this section is obvious when it is mentioned that the contorted drift was capped with genuine undisturbed Pleistocene gravel, thus proving the antiquity of the disturbances, which are ascribed to the grounding of ice. Implements from this section appeared to be rare, only a few small flake implements being discovered. One of these is now in my possession. This small palaeolithic flake, which is of ochreously stained flint (length 2.5 inches and greatest breadth 1.75 inches), is patinated with a deep yellow glossy patina, which alone proves its great antiquity. The outer face is boldly worked, and one edge of the implement being irregularly notched shows considerably more abrasion than the other. A second section exposed in the same pit appeared to be of equally great antiquity: