111 NOTES.—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Derham's Letters.—In the interesting series of letters which Mr. Barrett-Lennard has reprinted, there are one or two errors of transcription which are of consequence. In that dated 3rd February 1704-5, printed on p. 175 (E.N. vol. xvii.) "Ranwolff" should be "Rauwolff." Leonhardt Rauwolff, of Augsburg, a pupil of Rondelet at Montpellier, travelled in the Near East in 1573-5, and his travels were published (in German) in 1583, a translation of which Ray edited in 1693. Rauwolff's herbarium of some 500 specimens in four volumes became the property of Queen Christina, of Sweden, was given by her to Isaac Vossins, her Greek tutor, whom Charles II. made Canon of Windsor, and was bought at his death by the Univer- sity of Leyden, where it is still preserved. Gronovius described the plants and gave a life of Rauwolff in his Flora Orientalis, 1755. Rauwolff died in 1576. The postscript to Derham's letter should read :— "I met also wth Ray's Synops: methodica Quadrupedum et Serpent: Generis. At about 4s. I think it was. Tis in 8vo., and never had any Icons." Derham and his learned contemporaries constantly use "icons" for plates or figures in books. Mr. Barrett-Lennard's ingenious suggestion (p. 177), about bookbinders' polishing irons, is, therefore, unnecessary.—(Prof.) G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., Richmond. Surrey. Elm Pipes for the Conveyance of Water.—Mr. T. V. Holmes send the following cutting from the reprinted notes from The Times of 13th May 1814:— " Notice is hereby given, that the Committee of Managers of the London-bridge Waterworks will meet there on Friday, the 20th May, instant, at one o'clock exactly, to receive Proposals from such persons who may be willing to supply them with Elm Pipes, bored out of maiden elm, to be paid for in every third month. Such proposals to specify the girth and price of two, three, four, five, six, and seven inch pipes. Every information which may be desired may be obtained by application to the Secretary or Clerk, at the Water-works." "Richard Till, Secretary."