THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 123 like an iridescent button on the gelatinous envelope through which it has emerged; and in the last stage, when the walls have burst and the dark grey spores are exposed. Comatricha nigra (Pers.) Schroeter. Two specimens were found, one typical with long slender stalks; the other with short stout stalks and weathered mouldy capillitium; possibly this should not be referred to C. nigra, but is an irregular growth of Enerthenema papillatum (Pers.) Rost. Trichia varia Pers. Fairly abundant in both mature and young stages. T. contorta (Ditm.) Rost var. inconspicua. Found at the junction of torn bark and wood on an old hornbeam log. T. Botrytis Pers. Several gatherings on dead wood. Arcyria denudata (L.) Sheldon. Young white immature sporangia and the remains of a few old red ones were found. Mr. J. Ramsbottom, M.A., F.L.S., supplies the following:— LIST OF MICROFUNGI COLLECTED ON 16th OCTOBER. I have to thank members for handing over to me certain of the species, and Miss Lorrain Smith, who has collaborated in the description of the interesting new species Lasiobolus oligotrichus. The following were gathered:— Pilobolus crystallinus Tode. Piptocephalis repens de Bary. Ascophanus microsporus Phili. Lasiobolus oligotrichus A. L. Smith et Ramsbottom, Sp. nova. As- cophores gregarious, sessile, conical, smooth, orange, at first closed, then opening irregularly, with irregular external cells, 100—210μ wide and 280—300μ high, provided with hairs on the exterior, which are sometimes very few in number, simple, non-septate, straight, acute, hyaline, about 85—95μ X 5μ; asci few, subcylindrical, rounded above, almost sessile, 90—140μ X 18—30μ, not turning blue with iodine: paraphyses slender, numerous, reaching 150μ X 2.5μ, vacuolate, hyaline, very rarely septate or branched, not dilated at the apex : spores ellipsoid, about 20 x 12μ. On rabbit pellets, Fair Mead, Epping Forest. Somewhat similar to L. equinus, but differing in the shape and size of most of its parts, and especially 111 the colourless, generally unbranched, paraphyses. The asci vary in number from two in the smaller forms up to about ten. The hairs may be entirely absent or may vary in number from one to several. Humaria granulata Sacc. Myxotrichum uncinatum Schroeter. Previously recorded from Kew Massee and Salmon Ann. Bot. xv. p. 325 (1901). Peziza vesiculosa Bull. Nectria peziza Tode. Stysanus fimetarius Mass. et Salm. Previously recorded from Kew. Massee and Salmon, Ann. Bot., xvi., p. 86 (1902). Puccinia graminis Pers. Sclerotinia Curreyana Karst. (The sclerotial stage of Selerotium roseum, Fr.). Otidea aurantia Mass. Bulgaria polymorpha Wetts. (=B. inquinans Phili.) Geotrichum roseum Grove.