124 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. ORDINARY MEETING (THE 453rd MEETING). SATURDAY, 30TH OCTOBER 1915. The first meeting of the Winter Session was held at the Technical In- stitute as usual, Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S., President, in the chair. New Member.—Mr. W. H. Ault, 18, Alloa Road, Goodmayes, Essex, was elected a member. It was announced that Mrs. Corcoran, formerly a member, desired, in consequence of the lamented death of her husband, Mr. Bryan Corcoran, to resume her membership in his place. The meeting elected Mrs. Corcoran a member by a special resolution, and without the usual form of proposal. Colour Printing from Wooden-Blocks.—Miss Mary Champness exhibited examples of silk handkerchiefs on which a design in colour was printed from wooden-blocks. It was given to her mother by her grand- father, Charles Champness, having been printed by him at Littler's Silk Mills, Stratford, some time between 1812 and 1835. Miss Champness remembered him telling how the printing was done from the blocks, en- tirely by hand. The water of the River Lea was then considered remark- ably pure, and well suited for colour work. Sound of Gun-fire.—Mr. Miller Christy gave viva voce some particulars, from his own experience and that of others, of the ease with which the sound of the guns of the fighting in Flanders could be heard in Essex. They were heard very distinctly at his house at Chignal St. James, and consequently the sound must have travelled at least 125 miles. Mr. Warren said that the sounds had been heard at Loughton, and that, at Frinton, on the coast, he had heard sounds of explosions. Observations were also made by Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Cole, Mr. Shenstone, and Mr. William Marriott, late secretary of the Royal Meteorological Society. Growth of Lichens.—Miss A. Lorrain Smith gave an exposition of the Structure and Growth of Lichens, which was illustrated by a long series of excellent lantern-slides. Notes on Birds.—Mr. F. J. Stubbs gave the substance of two brief papers detailing ornithological observations made by himself in the County—(1) "Notes on certain Breeding Habits of the Snipe," and (j) "On a Blue Egg of the Lapwing" (see ante, pp. 105-110). Cordial votes of thanks to the exhibitors were passed, and the meeting adjourned. ORDINARY MEETING (THE 455th MEETING). SATURDAY, 27TH NOVEMBER 1915. This was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Technical Institute Stratford, at 3 o'clock p.m., Mr. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S., President, 111 the chair. In the circular for the meeting, the Council announced that they had decided to hold the Stratford meetings at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, instead of 6 o'clock, during the ensuing winter months, as a measure of precaution against possible suspension of train service in the evening. The particular