THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 129 added :—"I have brought up a small mirror, to produce the effect of "reversion on the published portrait of Dale in Mr. Christy's paper (Essex "Naturalist, xvii., plate xiv.). Possibly the Pharmacologia was not "published when the earlier portrait before you was painted, so that a "book of Hippocrates appears in the hands of the figure, in place of the "Pharmacologia on the book-shelf in the latter presentment." Considerable discussion as to the authenticity of the portraits was con- tributed by Mr. Dalton, Dr. Armstrong-Jones, Mr. Christy, Mr. Norman Gould, and others. The general opinion was that they were genuine, and that the principal picture was truly a portrait of Dr. Dale. [It is hoped that theses portraits (or, at any rate, that of Dale himself) may be repro- duced hereafter in these pages.] Nomination of Council and Officers.—In anticipation of the Annual Meeting, nominations were made of new members of Council and Officers. Lecture on Grasses.—Mr. James Groves, F.L.S., gave a lecture entitled "Grasses, their Structure and distinctive Characters: Distribution: Uses: Common and characteristic British Grasses in relation to their habitats." The Lecture was copiously illustrated by lantern-slides and by Her- barium specimens, preserved in the perfect and neat manner for which Mr. Groves is so justly renowned among botanists. THE ANNUAL MEETING (THE 458th MEETING) AND ORDINARY MEETING (THE 459th MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH MARCH 1916. These meetings were held, as usual, in the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford. The Annual Meeting was held first, at 3 o'clock, the President, Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, in the chair. The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting, held on 27th March 1915 (printed in Essex Nat., vol xviii., pp. 33-35), were taken as read. In the absence of Mr. Howard, the treasurer's statement of account was read by Mr. Avery. The statement was received and adopted, subject to audit. The Secretary presented the account of the Tea Fund which was adopted. The Secretary presented the Report of the Council, which was passed for printing. Election of Council and Officers.—At the Meeting on 26th February, the following Members retired from the Council by rotation :—The Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., Messrs. A. F. Hogg, M.A., A. Johnston, E.C.C., J.P., and C. E. Benham. The first three offered themselves for re-election, and were duly nominated. To fill vacancies on the Council caused by deaths and resignations, the following nominations were made at the Meeting on 26th February :— Miss Alice Hibbert-Ware, F.L.S., Mr. Robert Armstrong-Jones, M.D., F.S.A., Mr. Henry Mothersole, Mr. Charles Nicholson, F.E.S., and Mrs. Percy Thompson.