150 HAZZLEDINE WARREN : STUDY OF PRE-HISTORY IN ESSEX. sub-glacial conditions after the Mousterian epoch, or Middle Palaeolithic, as the relics belonging to this stage are found in the Mid-Terrace. IV. Palaeolithic Deposits: Stratigraphy and Fauna (for the most part excluding Human Implements). Papers dealing with Palaeolithic Implements are tabulated under the next section (V.). The few minor references to implements included in this place are also recorded (as cross references) under the next section. But practically all the papers under the next heading at least imply evidence on strati- graphy or fauna ; so that, for these subjects, the two headings, IV. and V., must be taken together; but, for human implements only, the records under the next heading are complete. a—Comprehensive Papers. Grays Thurrock area (M. A. C. Hinton and A. S. Kennard, Pt. I., E.N., xi., 1900, pp. 336-370, 6 sections). Deals with the High Terrace, the Mid Terrace and its fauna and flora, and the physiography of the district. (Pt. II., E.N., xv., pp. 56-88, 5 sections). Gives further details of the High Terrace and general conclusions on the physical history of the Lower Thames and of the Mardyke. These im- portant papers are too full and detailed to enable any further indication of their contents to be given [38, 71]. 19 Mollusca (A. S. Kennard, E.N., x., 1897, pp. 87-109, figures of shells). Deals with the non-marine mollusca from all the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of Essex then known. 20 b. High and Middle Terraces. Ilford (H. Walker, "A Day's Elephant Hunting in Essex," T. & P., i., 1880, pp. 27-58, with numerous sections drawn by S. V. Wood; also reprinted separately). A popular . account of a visit to the Ilford elephant pits and to Sir A. Brady's collection. The discussion (pp. xii-xv.) includes a description by Sir A. Brady of the method of exhuming and preserving the mammalian remains. 21 Ilford, visit to (T. & P., i., 1880, pp. xxviii.-xxxviii.). With a report of a discussion by Sir A. Brady, A. Russell Wallace, and others, upon theories of the Glacial period. 22 Ilford (H. Woodward, "The Ancient Fauna of Essex," T. & P., iii., 1882., pp. 9-29). With geological map and sections of the Ilford district, and figures and list of the mammalian remains. 23