HAZZLEDINE WARREN : STUDY OF PRE-HISTORY IN ESSEX. 163 Waltham Abbey (T. & P., ii., 1881, p. vii.), Bones of deer, oxen, etc., and a flint axe [? from same horizon] found in peat, 10 or 12 feet below the surface, at the new Powder Mills; some now in Brit. Mus.; others in possession of Dr. Priest, of Waltham Abbey. 140 Loughton (S. H. Warren, E.N., xvi., 1909, pp. 101-103). A prehistoric hill-wash, with pottery, "wattle-and-daub," charcoal, and calcined flints. 141 Wenden [259]. Megaceros, etc., in Alluvium. Wormingford [192]. Felstead (J. French and W. H. Dalton, E.N., iii., 1889, pp. 11-16). Sections of shell-marl, etc., and list of shells. The deposits of Witham and Sudbury also compared. Also J. French, E.N., xi., 1899, p. 86, on recent changes in the Molluscan fauna [20]. 142 Felstead (W. H. Dalton, E.N., vi., 1890, pp. 80-82). J. French has found at the base of ths Alluvium, 5 feet from the surface, a deposit 5 feet in diameter and 10 inches thick, containing charcoal and calcined stones [241, 325], 143 Braintree [20]. Skitt's Hill, Braintree (J. W. Kenworthy, with reports by F. W. Reader, T. V. Holmes, and E. T. Newton, E.N., xi., 1899, pp. 94-126, map, sections, and 3 plates and numerous figures of the relics). A relic-bed, with debris of a pile-dwelling, found about 8 feet from the surface in the Alluvium of the Brain. The site is exposed in a brick- yard. The overlying deposit [apparently Marsh clay] contains Romano-British remains. The remains from the relic-bed include several perforated axes and hammers of red deer antler, flint flakes, a tanged arrow-head, and a beautiful example of a flint dagger. The bank of the old stream was composed of Pleistocene brickearth yielding mammoth and Palaeoliths [242]. 144 Further Report (F. W. Reader, E.N., xiv., 1906, pp. 137-147, 2 plates, 5 figs.) Gives more accurate details of the stratigraphy. Concludes that the Relic-bed is Late Celtic, in spite of the "Neolithic" implements. Further evidence of the cutting of bone by a metal saw is noted. 145 Shalford [20]. Chignal St. James, near Chelmsford (Miller Christy, E.N., iii., 1889, pp. 1-9, plan and section). Alluvium of Cann with peat and shell-marl. List of shells. Remarks on correla- tion by W. H. Dalton (pp. 9-10) [20]. 146 Roxwell, near Chelmsford (R. W. Christy, E.N., iii., 1889, pp. 175-178). List of shells from Alluvium [20]. 147