168 HAZZLEDINE WARREN : STUDY OF PRE-HISTORY IN ESSEX. Wix and Nayland (Suffolk) (H. Laver, E.N., i., 1887, p. 35). British urns now in Colchester Museum. 196 Purleigh (E. A. Fitch, E.N., i., 1887, p. 279). Brief record of cinerary urns. 197 Little Hallingbury (G. E. Pritchett, E.N., iii., 1889, p. 226). Many British burial urns found in 1876 in a gravel pit at South House Farm, near Wallbury Camp or "Dells." 198 Colchester (H. Laver, E.N., iii., 1889, p. 116). Six Neolithic or Bronze Age urns, found together near the Cattle Market. There was probably a tumulus (long barrow ?) here. Some of the urns are of later style than others, and were probably secondary interments. 199 East Essex [121, 122]. Clacton-on-Sea (E.N., vi., 1892, p. 78; p. 182 ; vii., 1893, p. 129; viii., 1894, p. 219). Four pre-Roman vessels [apparently drinking-cups, or "beakers".] found on Mr. P. Smith's farm at Bull Hill. One of them presented to Colchester Museum. Also a Romano-British urn found in making the basement of the Grand Hotel. 200 [Vide also 177, 141, 155, 212, 213, 236, 275 ; sections xi., xv., xix.] b.—Late Celtic and Romano-British. Braintree (W. Cole. E.N., xiii., 1903, pp. 110-112, fig.). Several Late Celtic urns. 201 Braintree, Skitts Hill site [144]. Late Celtic or possibly Bronze Age. 202 "Wattle-and-Daub," Barking side (W. Crouch, E.N., iv. 1890, p. 18; vii, 1893, p. 107; viii., 1894, p. 49). Found with Romano-British pottery in St. Swithin's Farm gravel pit. 203 Loom-weight, or Net Sinker, Barking Side (C. Aldham, E.N., xi., 1899, p. 25). Found on same site, not stated whether pottery or stone. 204 Rayleigh (F. W. Reader, E.N., xvi., 1911, p. 253, fig.). Late Celtic urns from Hamborough Hill. 205 [Vide also 195, 200, 279] XL—Pit-Dwellings, (Rubbish-Pits ?), Pile-Dwellings. Little Dunmow (G. F. Beaumont, E.N., vii., 1893, p. 130). Several small pits containing small fragments of pottery and charred wood. 206 Theydon Mount (E.N., xvii., 1912, p. 119). Small oval pockets exposed in brickyard, containing charcoal, primitive pottery, etc. 207