THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 195 station. The route was arranged to afford as varied opportunity as possible for studying the various grass-associations of roadsides, pasture lands, forest glades, and swamps ; and the Conductors gave informal demonstrations en route, as points of ecological or other special interest presented themselves. A total walking-distance of nearly five miles was involved. Tea was taken at Oak Hill Farm, Theydon Bois, and cordial thanks were given to the Conductors for their services. FUNGUS FORAY AT LOUGHTON AND HIGH BEACH (453rd MEETING.) Saturday, 14TH October 1916. The Club's Autumn Fungus Foray in Epping Forest (now an important annual "fixture" in the mycological world) attracts interested visitors from distant parts of the country. This year it was held in the Loughton and High Beach districts, eighty persons attending. As in former years, some members of the Selborne Society and of the School Nature Study Union were present by invitation of the Club. The expert referees were Miss A. Lorrain Smith, F.L.S., Miss E. M. Wakefield, of the Royal Her- barium, Kew, Mr. F. G. Gould, Mr. Arthur A. Pearson, and Mr. J. Rams- bottom, of the Natural History Museum, for the Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes ; while Miss A. Hibbert-Ware, F.L.S., (in the regrettable absence, owing to illness, of our President), acted as "teller" for the Myxomycetes. Morning and afternoon parties were organised, and col- lecting proceeded throughout the day in various sections of the wood- lands. The head-quarters were, as usual, at the Roserville Retreat, High Beach, and here tea was served at 5 o'clock, followed by short Reports by the Conductors on the finds of the day ; while the specimens collected were displayed in an adjoining hall and duly named by the experts present. The most interesting finds among the larger fungi were Hydnum coralloides (Scop.) Fr., growing on a rotting stump at Fairmead Bottom (a portion of which handsome form was secured for the Club's Museum at Stratford), Corticium confluens Fr., and Hypholoma pseudostoria W.G.Sm., which are new records for the Forest. Mr. Pearson contributes the following :— LIST OF HYMENOMYCETES FOUND IN EPPING FOREST AT THE FUNGUS FORAY, 14th OCTOBER 1916. Amanita phalloides, mappa, muscaria, pantherina, rubescens. Amanitopsis vaginata, fulva. Lepiota procera, granulosa, amianthina. Armillaria mellea, mucida. Tricholoma sejunctum, flavo-brunneum, albo-brunneum, rutilans, saponaceum, cuneifolium, nudum. Clitocybe nebularis, clavipes, ditopus, aurantiaca. Laccaria laccata and var., amethystina. Collybia radicata, maculata, butyracea. Mycena galericulata, ammoniaca, sanguinolenta, galopus. leucogola epipterygia.