THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 199 Comatricha typhoides Rost. 14th Oct. Stemonitis fusca Roth. Both dates. Stemonitis flavogenita Jahn. 14th Oct. Cribraria aurantiaca Schrad. 14th Oct. Reticularia lycoperdon Bull. Both dates. Trichia varia Pers. Both dates. Trichia persimilis Karst. 11th Nov. Trichia Botrytis Pers. 14th Oct. Trichia decipiens Macbr. 14th Oct. Arcyria denudata Pers. Both dates. Arcyria incarnata Pers. Both dates. Arcyria nutans Grev. 14th Oct. Arcyria ferruginea Sauter, 11th Nov. ORDINARY MEETING (THE 466th MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH NOVEMBER 1916. This, the second Meeting of the Winter Session, was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Technical Institute, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, Mr. W. Whitaker, B.A., F.R.S., being in the Chair, in the continued absence, through illness, of the President. The Chairman announced the decease of the Club's Honorary Treasurer, Mr. David Howard, whose funeral at Buckhurst Hill on 18th November he and Mr. Thompson had attended as representatives of the Club. Mr. Whitaker spoke feelingly of the loss which the Club had sustained in the death of its Treasurer and Past-President, and moved that a letter of condolence should be sent from the Club to Mrs. Howard. This motion was adopted nem. dis. The Chairman also announced that the Council had, that afternoon, appointed Mr. John Avery to act as Hon. Treasurer until the date of the next Annual Meeting. The undermentioned persons were elected Members of the Club, viz. :— Miss Elsie Gander and Mr. Allan H. Gander, of 76, Romford Road, Stratford ; Miss Elsie A. Greaves, of Esme, New Wanstead. Some interesting exhibits were shown by Members, after which Mr. Charles D. Soar, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., gave a lecture on "Hydracarina (Water Mites) : with especial reference to the Epping Forest Forms," illustra- ting same by numerous lantern slides, by specimens of the mites under microscopes, and by a series of beautifully-coloured drawings made by himself. After a discussion, thanks were cordially voted to Mr. Soar for his lecture. Mr. Soar's paper appears in The Essex Naturalist (see ante., pp. 96-105). ORDINARY MEETING (THE 467th MEETING). SATURDAY, 27TH JANUARY* 1917. The third meeting of the winter session was held at 3 o'clock on the above date at Stratford, the President, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., in the chair. The President announced the death, on 16th January, of Mr. Benjamin G. Cole, one of the Honorary Secretaries of the Club practically since its