202 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Exhibit.—Mr. Percy Thompson exhibited, and presented to the Museum, a specimen of the rare fungus, Hydnum coralloides, found growing on a stump near Fairmead Bottom in Epping Forest, on the occasion of the Club's Fungus Foray on 14th October 1916 (see ante, p. 196). Paper.—Mr. Hugh Main, B.Sc., F.E.S., read a short paper, which he humourously entitled "A Fungus growing Wings," on an American fungus, Entomophthora americana, new to Britain, found in Epping Forest (see ante pp. 107-108). The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Main for his communica- tion. The Business of the Annual Meeting was then proceeded with. The Acting Secretary explained that, owing to Mr. W. Cole's illness and absence, the Minute Book was not available. The Minutes of the last Annua! Meeting were, accordingly, taken as read. Report of the Council for 1916-17.—This was read to the meeting by the Acting Secretary, and was cordially approved. Accounts for the Year 1916.—These, having been duly audited, were read by the acting Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery, They showed a substantial balance in hand, in addition to investments in Government securities. Both the Council's Report and Treasurer's Statement were received and adopted by the Meeting; and, on the motion of Mr. J. Wilson, seconded by Mr. F. J. Brand, votes of thanks were passed to the Hon. Treasurer and to the Auditors, Messrs. Nicholson and Bestow. Election of New Members of Council and Officers.—The follow- ing Members having been duly nominated at the Meeting held on 24th February, and no other nominations having been made, the President declared them duly elected as Members cf Council and Officers of the Club for 1917-18, viz. :—President, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S. ; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery, F.C.A. ; Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. W. Cole, A.L.S., and Percy Thompson ; New Members of the Council, Mrs. D. J. Scourfield, Messrs. Francis W. Reader, Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S., Victor Taylor, Dr. F. M. Turner, m.a., and Mr. J. Mackworth Wood, M.I.C.E. Election of Auditors.—As Auditors for 1917-18, the Council nomi- nated Mr. C. Nicholson, and the Annual Meeting, on the nomination of Mr. J. Ross, seconded by Mr. D. J. Scourfield, elected Mr. Bestow as second auditor. Presidential Address.—The President then read her address, entitled "A Short History of the Study of Mycetozoa in Britain, with a List of Species recorded from Essex," illustrating her remarks with a display of mounted specimens under several microscopes which had been kindly lent by certain of the Members. At the conclusion of the address, Mr. Whitaker moved, and Mr. Avery seconded, that the best thanks of the Meeting be accorded to the President, and that she be re- quested to allow the same to be published in the Club's journal. This, on being put to the Meeting, was carried by acclamation. The address is printed hereafter (see post, pp. 207-237).