226 LISTER : THE STUDY OF MYCETOZOA IN BRITAIN. yellow species has been recorded from Essex. It was found by Mr. J. Ross on holly leaves, August 1915, in the forest near Chingford. Leocarpus fragilis (Dicks.) Rost.—Abundant in autumn on sticks, bracken, heather, etc. The yellow plasmodium often creeps far from its feeding grounds to find a suitable place in which to fructify and scatter the spores. Diderma effusum (Schwein) Morg.—Not uncommon on dead leaves, especially those of holly, from June to September. D. radiatum (L.) Lister var. umbilicatum Meylan.— The type of this species in the Linnean Herbarium has brown sporangia dehiscing by stellate lobes, a form far less frequent in Britain than one with grey sporangia which open irregularly the latter form was described by Persoon as Diderma umbilicatum; although growths showing intermediate characters are not rare, it is well to recognise the form with grey sporangia as representing a distinct variety ; I follow M. Ch. Meylan in adopting the varietal name umbilicatum.11 This variety is not unfrequent in autumn and mild winters on dead bramble leaves, stems and twigs ; the greyish or white sporangia are usually grouped in small scattered clusters. D. floriforme Pers.—Probably not uncommon on old stumps from June to December. Diachoea leucopoda (Bull.) Rost.—Not uncommon from August to November on heaps of dead leaves and twigs ; some- times the cylindrical white-stalked sporangia occur in great profusion, developing from large plasmodia. Didymium difforme (Pers.) Duby.—Common on heaps of decaying leaves and dead herbaceous plants, almost throughout the year. D. Clavus (Alb. & Schw.) Rabenh.—Abundant on dead leaves in summer and autumn ; also occurring on the trunks of living trees among moss. D. complanatum Rost.—Apparently rare, but possibly overlooked from being mistaken for a plasmodiocarp form of D. squamulosum, which it outwardly resembles. Found in Wanstead Park in summer on dead leaves, developing from lemon-yellow plasmodium. 11 See Meylan, "Myxomycetes du Jura," in L'Annuaire du Conservatoire et du Jardin botanique de Geneve, 1913, p. 312.