THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 267 of the river. In pools left whence gravel had been dug along the margins of the old road Oenanthe phellandrium and both species of Bidens (B. cernua and B. tripartita) were noted ; and here the microscopists of the party, under the leadership of Mr. Scourfield, found a happy hunting- ground for their especial treasures. A number of lichens were noted by Messrs. Paulson and Thompson. On the cut stump of a felled tree by Piggott's Farm, small, healthy, non-fruiting specimens of Physcia pulverulenta, var. pityrea, were observed, and on the bridge over the Roding at Abridge the following were noted :— Lecanora murorum, cum fr., Lecidea contigua, cum fr., Physcia caesia, and Verrucaria rupestris, all on stonework ; also Physcia congranulata (growing below the flood-level of the river), Lecanora (Squamaria) saxicola, cum fr., and Lecanora vitellina (cum fr.) ,all on brickwork. Tea was taken at the "Blue Boar" at Abridge at 6 o'clock, after which the party trudged a further two miles, mostly up hill, to Theydon Bois station, where the train back to London was caught at 7.47 o'clock. A fine specimen of Chenopodium rubrum was seen growing on manure in a field between Abridge and Theydon Bois. FUNGUS FORAY, THEYDON BOIS TO HIGH BEACH (477th MEETING). SATURDAY, 20TH OCTOBER 1917. The Annual Fungus Foray was held as usual in Epping Forest on the above date, and was well attended, some 70 Members and Visitors, including Members of the Selborne Society and of the School Nature Study Union, being present. The Conductors and Referees were as under :— Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes Myxomycetes Miss A. Lorrain Smith, F.L.S. Miss E. M. Wakefield, F.L.S. Mr. F. G. Gould. Mr. Arthur A. Pearson. The President. Collecting was carried on throughout the day by the Morning Party, which commenced operations on arrival at Theydon Bois at 11.18 a.m., and during the afternoon by the Afternoon Party, which started from Loughton station at 2.34 p.m. The usual arrangements for display of specimens collected were made at the Headquarters, the Roserville Retreat at High Beach, although the war-time Lighting Orders neces- sarily limited the exhibition to the shortening daylight. Mr. Pearson reports of the day's finds :— " The new records of Hymenomycetes for the Forest are :— Nolanea staurospora, Bres. Lepiota clypeolarioides, Rea and Ramsb. Collybia hariolorum (D.C.), Fr. Mycena inclinata, Fr. Fomes ribis (Schum.), Fr. Corticium albostramineum (Bres.), Wakef. " The other finds of special interest, though not new to the Forest,