272 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. on old straw in a garden at Leytonstone and below a haystack near They- don. Other English counties from which it has been obtained are Norfolk, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, and Sussex. This brings our list of Essex Mycetozoa up to eighty-eight. Miss Hibbert-Ware also reported on the finds among the Myxomycetes. Mr. L. B. Hall gave an interesting lecturette on the mosses, 33 species of which had been recorded during the day, remarking on the rarity of fruit of many forms, consequent upon a dry habitat. Mr. Paulson reported that 18 forms of lichens had been noted during the foray, including Cladonia digitata (cum fr.), which was a new record for Epping Forest, having only been met with a week previously (by Mr. Percy Thompson) in another locality of the Forest. ORDINARY MEETING (THE 480th MEETING). SATURDAY, 24TH NOVEMBER 1917. This (the second) winter meeting was held as usual at the Municipal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock, the President (Miss G. Lister, F.L.S.) in the chair. Over 50 members were present. Miss M. Bradley, M.Sc., 60, Invicta Road, Custom House, E., Miss Amelia Forgan, 24, Blake Hill Crescent, Wanstead, Miss Agnes Steward and Miss Alice Steward, 130, Windsor Road, Forest Gate, Miss Dofort, 129, Hampton Road, Forest Gate, were duly elected members of the Club. Living specimens of the luminous moss Schistostega osmundacea, from Dartmoor, were exhibited under microscopes, by Mr. D. J. Scourfield, F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., who gave an interesting account of the special protonemal cells, which have the property of refracting light. Mr. Arthur W. Bacot, F.E.S., read a valuable paper on "Mosquitoes and the Danger of Malaria in England," illustrating his remarks by a series of lantern photographs and by a few living specimens of common Anophelines. Votes of thanks were passed to the Lecturer and Exhibitor respectively (see ante, pp. 241-263) . ORDINARY MEETING (THE 481st MEETING). SATURDAY, 20TH JANUARY 1918. This Meeting was held as usual in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, the President, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., in the chair. Some 50 members and visitors attended. Miss Beatrice Miall, 38, Cyprus Road, Finchley, N., was elected a member. The President formally announced the regretted resignation of Mr. William Cole, on account of physical infirmity, from the curatorship of the Club's Stratford Museum, and the appointment of Mr. Percy Thompson as his successor. The Acting Secretary read the text of a Memorial, proposed by the Council to be sent to the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, praying their Lordships to extend