THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 273 their proceedings to the Natural History Sciences and to add to their Assessors accredited representatives of these sciences. Subject to slight textual modification, the meeting adopted the Council's proposal. The Curator exhibited a Botanical Vasculum, which formerly be- longed to the late Dr. E. Cr. Varenne, of Kelvedon, and had been presented to the Club's Museum by our Member, Mr. Alfred Hills, of Braintree. Mr. F. J. Stubbs exhibited, and presented to the Museum, on behalf of Mr. H. B. Debenham, of Theydon Bois, a hen Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), which was assuming the plumage of the cock bird—a not- uncommon feature in female birds which have ceased to breed. The specimen had been shot at Cheshunt. The thanks of the Club were passed to the respective exhibitors and donors. Mr. Hugh Main, B.Sc., F.E.S., gave an interesting lecturette, illustrated by lantern photographs, on "Dytiscus marginalis (larva) digging itself in" to its pupation-chamber in the bank of a pond. A paper entitled "Notes on the Ecology of Lichens" was read by Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., illustrations being furnished by actual specimens and by a fine series of lantern photographs (see post, pp. 276-286). VISIT TO THE HORNIMAN MUSEUM, FOREST HILL. (482nd MEETING). SATURDAY, 10TH FEBRUARY 1918. A small party of some dozen members paid a visit to the Horniman Museum, Forest Hill, at 3 o'clock, on the above afternoon (by kind invi- tation of the Curator, Mr. H. S. Harrison, D.Sc., F.R.A.I.), and were welcomed by Mr. H. N. Milligan, F.Z.S., who conducted them through the Natural History department of the Museum, explaining the methods of arrangement adopted. The living specimens of crustacea, mollusca, and anemones contained in the sea-water aquaria attracted the visitors' especial attention, and they were also much interested in the educational grouping of the zoological specimens in the North Hall into creeping, burrowing, running, climbing, jumping, swimming, and flying groups respectively. A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Milligan for his kind services. ORDINARY MEETING (THE 483rd MEETING). SATURDAY, 23RD FEBRUARY 1918. This Meeting was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 3 o'clock, the President in the chair. The following were elected Members of the Club :— Miss G. W. Dickinson, 26, Lancaster Road, Forest Gate. Mrs. R. E. Nicholson, 35, The Avenue, Highams Park. Mr. Alfred C. Brown, 58a, Montpelier Gardens, East Ham. Mr. Francis W.Thorrington, "Ferncote," Curtis Road, Emerson Park, Hornchurch. Miss A. Hibbert-Ware, F.L.S., gave a Lecture entitled "Notes on the Plumage of Young Birds," the lecturer's remarks being illustrated by a