274 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB display of many skins and stuffed birds, and by lantern photographs. A short discussion ensued, and the thanks of the Meeting were accorded to the Lecturer. VISIT TO CROYDON (484th MEETING). SATURDAY, 30TH MARCH 1918. A party of members of the Club, reinforced by several members of the Geologists' Association, and of the Croydon Natural History Society, totalling 37 in all, visited Croydon on the above afternoon, under the guidance of Mr. W. Whitaker, B.A., F.R.S., who had made the local arrangements for the visit. Leaving East Croydon station just before 3 o'clock, the party pro- ceeded to the Whitgift Hospital, which was inspected by kind permission of the Warden, Mr. W. Streatfeild. Dr. Hobson kindly acted as cicerone and showed an intimate acquaintance with the interesting old building. The "Hospital of the Holy Trinity" was founded and built by Arch- bishop Whitgift (1583-1604), at the end of the 16th century, as "a harbour and subsistence for the poor," the Foundation Stone having been laid in or about 1596, and the structure completed in the Archbishop's own lifetime. It consists of buildings of mellow red brick grouped round a quadrangle. The Founder's initials are worked in vitrified bricks in the south gable-end of the West Front ; while his Arms, quartered with those of Canterbury, and his motto, appear over the Entrance Gateway. The special points of interest are the Chapel, the Dining Hall, and the room over the Inner Gateway, all with old oak panelling and furniture. The Hospital contains a number of muniment chests, books, and documents of interest, including the original Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth. In the tiny Chapel is a portrait of the Archbishop, and wall-panelling of date 1640. The party afterwards visited the Public Library, where in the beautiful Braithwaite Hall, which is used as the Reference Library, a special Exhibi- tion of old Books, Prints, and Water Colours, illustrating Old Croydon, had been arranged by the Chief Librarian, Mr. W. C. Berwick Sayers. There was also an exhibition of the Regional Survey Maps belonging to the Croydon Natural History Society, prepared by Mr. C. C. Fagg, who gave a demonstration to interested visitors of his methods of work. The cordial thanks of the party were accorded to Dr. Hobson, Mr. Streatfeild, Mr. Berwick Sayers, and Mr. Fagg, for their several services. ORDINARY MEETING (THE 485th MEETING), AND THE ANNUAL MEETING (486th MEETING) SATURDAY, 6TH APRIL 1918. These Meetings were held at the Municipal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, the President (Miss G. Lister, F.L.S.) in the chair. Mr. Philip Laver, F.S.A., of 3, Church Street North, Colchester, Mr. Frederick J. Lushey, of 2, Oakley Villas, Prince's Road, Buckhurst Hill, and