THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 275 Mr. Walter A. Wilson, of. 18, Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E. 11, were duly elected Members of the Club. Exhibits.—Miss A. Hibbert-Ware, F.L.S., exhibited specimens of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) and gave an account of the contents of their crops when dissected. Miss Hibbert-Ware also exhibited a House Sparrow, in which the lower mandible was remarkably malformed, being prolonged into a gutter-like projection some two inches in length. The specimen had been found drowned in a water-butt at Manor Park. Dissection proved that it had been well able to feed itself, notwithstanding its malformed bill (see ante, p. 263). Mr. John Avery exhibited a case of Birds' Eggs from North America, as samples of a collection of some 10,000 specimens which had lately come into his possession, unfortunately without any record of their origin ; and asked for aid in their identification. Paper Read.—In the absence of the Author, the Acting Secretary read a paper on "The Breeding of the Honey Buzzard in Essex," by the Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain, M.A., M.B.O.U. The thanks of the Meeting were voted to Mr. Jourdain for his communication (see ante, pp. 238-240). The Business of the Annual Meeting was then taken :—The Acting Secretary read the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting. Accounts for the Year 1917.—These, duly audited, were presented by the Hon. Treasurer and showed that the Club had a substantial balance in investments and cash. The Statement was received with applause, and the thanks of the Meeting were accorded to the Hon. Treasurer. The Report of the Council for 1917-18 was read by the Acting Secretary, and was cordially received. On the motion of Mr. E. T. Newton, seconded by Mr. Daun, the Report was adopted by the Meeting nem. con. Election of New Members of Council and Officers.—The following Members having been duly nominated at the Meeting held on February 23rd, and no other Nominations having been made, the President declared them duly elected as Members of Council and Officers of the Club respec- tively for 1918-19, viz.:—President, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S. ; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery. F.C.A. ; Hon. Librarian, Mr. F. J. Brand ; Hon. Secre- taries, Messrs. W. Cole, A.L.S., and Percy Thompson, F.L.S. New Members of the Council, Miss Winifred de Lisle, Messrs. D. J. Scourfield, F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., J. C. Shenstone, F.L.S., M.P.S., and Joseph Wilson, F.R.M.S. As Auditors for 1918-19, Mr. C. Nicholson, F.E.S., was elected on the Council's nomination ; and, on the 'proposal of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hugh Main, Mr. Charles Bestow was elected as second auditor. Presidential Address.—The President then delivered her Address, entitled "The Haunts of the Mycetozoa," illustrating her remarks with a display of beautiful water-coloured drawings, prepared by herself, of many of the forms referred to. At the conclusion of the Address, Mr. E. T. Newton moved, and Mr. Avery seconded, that the best thanks of the Meeting be given to the President, and that she be requested to allow the Address to be published in the Club's journal. This proposition, on being put to the Meeting, was carried by acclamation (see post, pp. 301- 321). The proceedings then terminated.