282 PAULSON : NOTES ON THE ECOLOGY OF LICHENS. Thompson5. During the autumn of 1917, there was a remarkable growth of Lecidea uliginosa Ach. on heaths and commons around London, upon soil that had been worn bare during the previous summer through various causes. It appeared as a dark, almost black, stain upon the ground. Patches as long as 8ft. by 6ft. were measured at the Cryptogamic meeting of the Essex Field Club, on 10th November last, on the open ground in front of the King's Oak Hotel, High Beach. The abundance of fertile Baeomyces roseus Pers, near Oak Hill was seen at the same meeting. It has not been fertile there for at least twelve years. When considering the rate of growth of lichens, it is very necessary to distinguish between those with a thallus of very loosely-woven threads and those with a well-developed foliose thallus. The two just described have the former texture. Hav- ing asked a correspondent, a well known lichenist of Yorkshire, 5 Essex Naturalist, vol. xviii., p. 29 (1915).