286 LISTER : HERBALS AND ANCIENT BOOKS ON BOTANY. the loss of bright colour when the light-intensity decreases. Lichens growing on the edge of a rock, fully exposed to the direct rays of the sun, can often be found growing over the edge into the shade. In these cases, there is a distinct loss of colour; the plant looks less healthy, and it sometimes becomes more or less powdery, or leprous. If one knows the trees of a wood thoroughly well, it is no uncommon thing to find trunks hitherto covered with patches of Parmelia physodes, P. saxatilis, P. sulcata, or P. caperata in a healthy state suddenly alter in appearance, with the lichen changed to a dull colour or completely shrivelled. In the case of P. physodes, it will be found that some enemy, probably a small beetle, has completely eaten away the gonidial layer, and so thoroughly has this been done that not a vestige of green can be found. Neighbouring trees are sometimes denuded of this lichen in a very short period, possibly in no more than a few days. A LIST OF HERBALS AND ANCIENT BOOKS ON BOTANY EXHIBITED AT A MEETING OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB, 27 OCTOBER 1917; WITH NOTES FROM MRS. ARBER'S "HERBALS." compiled by the president. The Latin Herbarius. NO title page. Leaf 2 has MS. note '' Paris, 1485," and begins [R]ogatu plurimo[rum] . . ." Leaf a.1 begins 'Absintheum, Aluyne.' Small 4to. The last thirty-six pages have scarlet initial letters to the paragraphs, inserted by hand. The book consists chiefly of a list of medicinal plants with their virtues, arranged in alphabetical order. They are illus- trated by bold and decorative, if somewhat crude, woodcuts, which were probably copies of pictures in much older manu- scripts. The first edition of this work was printed at Maintz in 1484. It is anonymous, and is a compilation from certain classical and Arabian authors ; none are quoted of a later date than 1350. [Lent by Miss Willmott] The German Herbarius. Title : "In disen Buch 1st der Herbary : oder kreuterbuch :