288 LISTER : HERBALS AND ANCIENT BOOKS ON BOTANY. also the ornamental initial letters are the same as those in the 1561 edition of ''The Great Herball." This little book, called ''Cary's" or "Copland's" Herbal, appears to have been pub- lished in 1550 ; the author's initials, W.C., may refer either to William Copland or to Walter Cary. It is simply a later edition of the celebrated herbal of Richard Banckes. published 1525. [Lent by Miss Willmott] Herbal of Leonardus Fuchsius (Fuchs). De historia stirpium. . . . Basileae, in officina Isin- griniana . . 1542. (Folio) 1st edition. "The full-page wood-cuts which illustrate Fuchs' herbal are of extraordinary beauty. The majority of the engravings in Bock's 'Kreuter Buch' (1546), Dodoens' 'Cruydeboecke' (1554), Turner's 'New Herball' (1551-1568), Lyte's 'Niewe Herball' (1578), and Jean Bauhin's 'Historia plantarum univer- salis' (1651), are copied from Fuchs, or even printed from his actual wood-blocks.'' The copy exhibited has the illustrations coloured : the colouring in many old herbals seems to have been clone at a very early date. The plants are arranged alphabetically in the order of their Greek names. [Lent by Miss Willmott] "Plantarum Effigies e Leonartho Fuchsio ac quinque diversis linguis redditae. Lugduni [Lyons] apud Balthazarum Arnoulletum." 1551. 12mo ; with a portrait of Fuchs and full-page woodcuts, which are those of the 1542 edition of the Herbal much reduced. [Lent by Miss Willmott] Lyte's Herbal. "A Niewe Herball or History of Plantes : wherein is con- tayned the whole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of Herbes and Plantes. . . . First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens,' Physitian to the Emperour : and nowe first translated out of French into English by Henry Lyte Esquyer at London by me Gerard Dewes, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Swanne 1578." Small folio.