LISTER : HERBALS AND ANCIENT BOOKS ON BOTANY. 289 This book is professedly a translation of the French version of Dodoens' Cruydeboeck of 1554, which had been made by de l'Ecluse in 1557 ; but Lyte was no mechanical translator, for the original work is corrected and careful notes and references are introduced. The illustrations are the same as those which had appeared in the translation by de l'Ecluse, and were for the most part copies of those in the octavo edition of Fuchs' herbal, with some additional blocks which had been cut especially for Dodoens. [Lent by the President] Charles de l'Ecluse (or Clusius). "A Caroli Clusii Atrebatis Rariorum aliquot Stirpium, per Pannoniam, Austriam, & vicinas quasdam Provincial observatarum Historia. . . . Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantani, 1583." [History of the rarer plants observed in Hungary, Austria, etc.]. Small 8vo., bound in calf. The full-page illustrations are very beautiful and faithful representations of the plants described; in all cases the root is depicted, as well as leaves and flowers. [Lent by Miss Willmott] Gerard's Herbal. "The Herball or generall Historie of Plantes Gathered by John Gerarde of London, Master in Chirugerie. Im- printed at London by John Norton. 1597." Folio. First edition. This book is a translation of Dodoens' "Pemptades" (pub- lished 1583), made by Dr. Priest, who died before the work was finished. Gerard adopted Priest's translation, completed it, and published it as his own. merely altering the arrange- ment from that of Dodoens to that of de I'Obel. The illus- trations are nearly all from blocks used by Tabernaemontanus for his "Eicones" of 1590, and are for the most part repro- duced from Bock, Fuchs, Matthioli, de l'Ecluse, and de I'Obel. [Lent by Miss Willmott] "The Herbal or General Historie of Plantes. . . Very much enlarged and Amended by Thomas Johnson, Citizin and Apothecarye of London. Printed by Adam Islip, Joke Norton, and Richard Whitakers. 1636." Folio.