301 THE HAUNTS OF THE MYCETOZOA. By Miss GULIELMA LISTER, F.L.S. (Being a Presidential Address delivered at the thirty-seventh Annual Meeting held on 6 April 1918.) I WISH to thank the members of the Club very heartily for the honour they confer on me by electing me as their President for the coming year. The report given by our Honorary Secretary of the history of the Club during the year that has passed proves that its activities have been undiminished, and that much interest and refreshment have been provided by the many well-attended meetings and excursions that have taken place. We have to record with much regret that, in consequence of ill health, the founder of our Club, Mr. William Cole, has been obliged to resign the Curatorship of our two museums, the Epping Forest Museum at Chingford and the Essex Museum at Stratford. He has held these posts since the museums were opened in 1895 and 1900 respectively. The amount of thought and enthusiastic effort which Mr. Cole has expended in bringing the museums to such an efficient and attractive state cannot easily be estimated : he has worked for the Club with his whole heart. Although he is no longer able to be among us, we are assured that his interest in the welfare of the Club is unabated, and he continues to be one of our Honorary Secretaries. As his successor in the curatorship of the Essex Museum, we have in Mr. Thompson, our other Honorary Secretary, one who has also for many years given us of his services in measure full and overflowing. It is largely due to such officers as these, as well as to our Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Avery, who keeps our finances on such a sound basis, that the Club has flourished so well in the past. We do not always realise what a demand in time and thought is made by these honorary offices, and how much we owe to those who thus minister to us. The title I thought first of giving this address was a more pretentious one—namely, "The Ecology of the Mycetozoa." There were reasons, however, against using the word "ecology," which has become so popular of late years. One reason was that it is a term which has been applied, I believe, only to