" To mark the structure of a plant or tree, And all fair tilings of earth, how fair they be." Charles Lamb ("John Woodvil.") ' Excellent herbs had our fathers of old— Excellent herbs to case their pain— Alexanders and Marigold, Eyebright, Orris, and Elecampane, Basil, Rocket, Valerian, Rue, (Almost singing themselves they run) Vervain, Dittany, Call-me-to-You— Cowslip, Melilot, Rose of the Sun. Anything green that grew out of the mould Was an excellent herb to our fathers of old." Rudyard Kipling ("Rewards and Fairies.") " O ye worthy reders or practicyens to whome this noble volume is present I beseche yow take intellygeuce and beholde ye workes and operacyons of almyghty god which hath eudewed his symple creature mankynde with the graces of ye holy goost to have parfyte knowlege and understandynge of the Vertue of all maner of herbes and trees in this booke comprehendyd." The "Grete Herball" (1529). " Ce monde est un temple tres sainet, dedans lequel l'homine est introduict pour y contempler des statues, non ouvrees de mortelle main, mais celles que la divine pensee a faiet sensibles, le soleil, les estoiles, les eaux, et la terre." Montaigne: "Essais."