INDEX TO VOL. XVIII. Aberdeenshire MYCETOZOA, 234. Abridge, ramble, 266. African water-jar, Leyton, exhibi- ted, 26. Ague, see Malaria. Albert Docks extension, excursion to, 10. Amersham, excursion to, 115. Anopheles bifurcatus, 237. —maculipennis, 248. —nigripes (=plumbeus), 257. Andrews, R. T., exhibits Hertford Museum, 18. Annual Meetings, 1914, 12 ; 1915, 33 ; 1916, 129 ; 1917, 202. Anticlinal, hand-specimen of an, exhibited, 5. Agricultural exhibit, 9. Armstrong-Jones, Sir R., lectures on Growth of Nervous System, 126 ; on Plants figuring in Herbals, 270. Atlantic (South) hawk-moth (300 miles from land), exhibited, 31. Bacot, A., Mosquitoes in England, 241-203. Baddow, Little, Honey Buzzard breeding at, 238. Barrow, G., conducts visit to Albert Docks extension, 10 ; on River Lea, 18. Bedfordshire Mycetozoa, 234. Bell, A., Oysters, Pliocene to Modern (title only), 9. Benfleet, South, Oribata lapidaria at, 128. Bibliography suggested of publica- tions of local scientific societies, 38. Binns, A., conducts visit to Albert Docks extension, 10. Birds of Epping Forest, Ann. Rep. Ornithol. Comm., London Nat. Hist. Soc, noticed, 205. Blackmore and Fryerning, excur- sion to, I'). Bone implements (19th century, but obsolete), exhibited, 30. Boswell, P. G. H., Evolution of the Essex Stour (syllabus only), Boulder Clay, Chingford, 2. Boulder Clay wastes, vegetation (title only), 10. Boulger, G. S., Errata in Der- ham's Letters, III. British Association Corresponding Societies Meetings, 1914, 37, 38 ; 1915, 131-133 ; 1916, 197 ; 1917, 270. British Museum (botanical section), visit to, 200. Britton, Mrs., presents collection of British Reptiles, 127. Bronze Age flint implements ex- hibited, 5. Buckinghamshire Mycetozoa, 234. Burgess, W. T., explains water softening at Purley, 114. Burnt-forest colonisation, 28, 33. Butcher, C. H., Palaeolithic im- plements from Wanstead Park, 76-78. Buxton, G., Red Deer, Epping Forest, 87. Buzzard, Common, at Ilford, 206. Buzzard, Honey, breeding at Little Baddow, 238. Campbell, J., Pied flycatcher near Kelvedon, 264. Caterpillars, leaf-folding, 70-72. Catharinea undulata var. minor, 33. Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, excursion to, 115. Champness, Miss M., exhibits silk colour-printed from wooden blocks, 1812-1835, 1-4 ; death- rate map of West Ham (title only), 201, Chelsea Physic Garden visits to, 115, 194. Chernes, Bucks, excursion to, 205. Chess Valley, Bucks, excursion to, 265. Chigwell Row Medicinal Springs, 18th Century MS. on, 60-70. Chingford, Boulder Clay at, 2-4 ; fossiliferous London Clay at, 74- 76. Christy, Mrs. A., conducts excur- sion to Fryerning and Black- more, 16. Christy, Miller, conducts ex- cursion to Saffron Walden, 14 ; to Fryerning and Blackmore, 16 ; 18th Century MS. on Chigwell Row medicinal springs, 60-70 ; John Gibbs (1822-1903), an Essex Botanist, 89-96, 203-205. Mid-Essex Windrush and Whirl- wind, 27 Oct. 1910, 135-145. Christy, Miss R., lunar rainbow, 110. Club Meetings, 4-35, 113-130, 194-202, 263-275 Cole, B. G., decease, 199.