iv. Cole, W., Collection and Cultiva- tion of Medicinal Plants in England, 82-84 ; resigns curator- ship of Museums, 272. Cole, W., and H. Whitehead conduct Selborne Society at Club Museum, Stratford, 4 ; pro- pose bibliography of publica- tions of local scientific societies, 38, 39. Colonisation of burnt patches in forest, 28, 33. Colour-photography, Paget system described, 29 ; Lumiere process, slides exhibited, 31 ; Sanger- Shepherd process, slides exhi- bited, 34. Colour-printing on silk from wooden blocks, 1812-1835, exhibited, 124 Cooke, M. C, decease, 24. Cooking-site, prehistoric, at They- don Bois, 32. Corncrake in Essex, 189-192 ; speci- men "in down," exhibited and presented, 270. Cotton, A. 1)., referee at Fungus Forays, 21, 118 ; conducts visit to Kew Gardens, 114. Cran, W., Mycetozoa in Aberdeen, Elgin, and Nairn. 234. Crepidula in Essex waters, 81, 82. Croydon Bourne, excursion to, 113. Croydon, Whitgift Hospital and Public Library visited, 274. Cryptogamic forays, 5 December 1914, 27 ; 27 March 1913, 32 ; 13 Nov. 1915, 118; 11 Nov. 1916, 197 ; 10 Nov. 1917, 270. Culex fatigans, 249. Dale, Samuel, recognition in 1729, 1 ; portrait (supposed) exhi- bited, 128. Dallimore, W., conducts visit to Kew Gardens, 114. Dalton, W. H., exhibits hand specimen of a Newfoundland anticlinal, 3 ; portraits (be- lieved) of Samuel Dale and family, 128. Derham Letters, errata in, 111. Devonshire Mycetozoa. 234., Dry clay under water, 264. Dytiscus marginalis, pupation- cell, 180 ; digging-in for pupa- tion, 273. Eider Duck on Roding, 237. Elgin Mycetozoa, 234. Entomophthora americana, new to Europe, 107, 108. Epping Forest :—Fungus forays in, 21, 118, 195, 207 ; Cryptogamic forays in, 27, 32, 118, 197, 270 ; Prehistoric cooking-site, 32 ; Catharinea undulata var. minor, 33 ; Red Deer, 87 ; Hydraca- rina (Water-mites), 95-105 ; Megacronus inclinans, 100 ; En- tomophthora Americana, 107; Lasiobolus oligotrichus, n. sp. 123 ; Limax cinerco-niger, 127 ; Peltigera polydactyla, 128; pupa- tion-cell of Dytiscus, 186 ; Ptil- idium pulcherrimum, 187 ; Hydnum coralloides, 202 ; Birds of, 203 ; Lichens, 276-286. Essex Mycetozoa, 234. Essex Pictorial Survey, Club's Albums exhibited, 9. Essex pictures exhibited, 31, 34. Excursions :—Pharmaceutical Soc. Museum, 4 ; Albert Docks, 10 ; Warley Place, 13 ; Saffron Wal- den and Thaxted, 14 ; Fryern- ing and Blackmore, 16 ; Hert- ford to Ponders End (R. Lea), 18 ; Croydon Bourne, 113 ; Kew, 114 ; Amersham and Chalfont St. Giles, 115; S. London Botanical Institute and Chelsea Physic Garden, 113, 194; Zoo- logical Gardens, 194 ; Loughton, 194; Jermyn St. Museum, 201 .; Rickmansworth, Chess Valley, and Chernes, 265 ; Sewardstone, 266 ; Loughton to Abridge, 266 ; Horniman's Museum, 273 ; Croy- don (Whitgift Hospital and Public Library), 274. Flycatcher, Pied, near Kelvedon, 264. Fox. W., presents series of Mersea oyster-spat, 24. Fryerning and Blackmore, ex- cursion to, 16. Fungus, American, in Epping Forest, 107. Fungus Forays, 17 Oct. 1914 21 ; 16 Oct. 1915, 118 ; 14, Oct. 1916, 193 ; 20 Oct. 1917, 267. Geological Survey Museum, visit to, 201. Geologists' Association, joint visit to Albert Docks, 10.