v. Gibbs, J. (biography), 89-96, 203- Gorse, modified bloom of, exhibited and described, 29, 33, 84. Gould, F. G., referee in fungus forays, 118, 195. Goulden, Mr. and Mrs., receive Club, 17. Griffin, Miss E. E., conducts visit to S. London Botanical Institute, 115. Griffin, W. H., conducts visit to S. London Botanical Institute, 194. Groves, J., lecture on grasses (title only), 129 ; conducts ramble in Loughton, 194 ; conducts excursion to Sewardstone, etc., 260. Gunfire, Flanders, heard in Essex, 124. Hadden, N. G., Mycetozoa of Somerset and Devonshire, 234. Hales, W., conducts visit to Chelsea Physic Garden, 115, 194. Hall, L. B., referee at Cryptogamic forays, 118, 197. Helix aspersa without markings exhibited, 25. Herbals, exhibition of, 270 ; descrip- tive list, 280-291. Hertford to Ponders End, excursion on Lea River, 18. Hertfordshire Mycetozoa, 234. Hibbert-Ware, Miss A., referee 111 fungus foray, 195 ; Crypto- gamic foray, 197 ; Mycetozoa found in forays, 1910, 198, 199 ; abnormal bill in a sparrow, 203 ; conducts Cryptogamic foray, 270; lectures on plumage of young birds, 273 ; exhibits Little Owl, 275. Hills, A., presents Dr. E. G. Varenne's vasculum. 273 ; E. G. Varenne (1811-1887) of Kelve- don, Botanist, Anecdotes and Reminiscences, 292-300. Holmes, E. M., conducts visit to Pharmaceutical Society's Museum, 4 ; referee at Crypto- gamic foray, 32 Holmes, T. V., Tree-trunk waterpipes in London, ya. Honey Buzzard breeding at Little Baddow, 238. Hornchurch, C. T. Perfect's Handbook of, noticed, 205. Horniman's Museum, visit to, 273. House-sparrow, abnormal lull of, 263. Howard, W., variation of flowers of Ulex europaeus, 29, 84. Human Remains, Dating of Early, 40-59. Hydnum coralloides presented, 202. Hydracarina, 96-105. Ilford, Common Buzzard at, 200. Jourdain, F. C. R., Honey Buz- zard breeding in Essex, 238. Kelvedon, Pied Flycatcher nr, 264. Kew- Gardens, visit to, 114. Key, C., see Linder, E. & C, Key. Lambert, F., Roman London (syllabus only), 127. Langham Mill on Stour, neolithic working site, 87. Lapland, A Trip to Swedish, 6; Lichens collected there, 7. Lapwing, blue egg of, 105. Lasiobolus oligotrichus, A. L. Smith et J. Ramsbottom, n.sp., de- cribed, 123. Lea River, Hertford to Bonders End, excursion on, 18. Low-Level Gravels and Palaeo- lithic Implements, 73, 74. Leyton, African waterjar from, exhibited, 26. Library accessions, 9, 29. Lichen, A wandering (unattached) species exhibited, 25. Lichens, Structure and Growth (title only), 124 ; Varenne col- lection of, 133 ; Ecology of, 276- 286. Limax cinereo-niger, 127. Linder, E. and C. Key, on leaf-folding caterpillars, 70. Lister, Miss G., Illustrations of Mycetozoa, 1729, 1 ; conducts excursion on R. Lea, 18 ; referee at fungus and Cryptogamic forays, 21, 27, 32, 119 ; My- cetozoa found in forays, 35, 120 ; British Mycetozoa (Presid. Addr.), 207-237; conducts ramble, Loughton to Abridge, 2G6 ; fun- gus foray, 267 ; reports on Mycetozoa, 268 ; conducts Cryptogamic foray, 270 ; reports on Mycetozoa, 271 ; A List of