vi. Herbals and Ancient Books on Botany, 286-291 ; The Haunts of the Mycetozoa (Presidential Address), 301-321. Liverwort, Ptilidium pulcherri- mum, Hampe, 187-189. London Clay, fossiliferous, from Chingford, 74, Loughton to Abridge, ramble, 266. Main, Hugh, Entomophthora americana at Epping, 107, 108 ; Pupation-cell of Dytiscus mar- ginalis 186 ; lectures on Dytiscus digging pupation-chamber, 273. Malaria from English mosquitoes, 241. Mediaeval Pottery-site, Mill Green, Fryerning, 16. Medicinal Plants, Collection and Cultivation of, 82. Megacronus inclinans, 906. Meldola, Prof. R., decease, 125. Mersea, Oyster spat presented, 24. Metoecus paradoxus (wasp-parasite) exhibited, 20. Micheli, P. A., his Nova Plantarum Genera (1729), 1. Mites, water-, 96-105 ; Oribata lapidaria, 128. Morris, G., Vegetation of Boulder Clay Wastes in North Essex (title only), 10 ; conducts excur- sion at Saffron Walden, 14. Mosquitoes in England, 241-263. Mothersole, H., exhibits bone implements (19th century, but obsolete), 30. Murray, Colin, Eider Duck in Essex, 237. Mycetozoa, early illustrations of, 1 ; found in forays, 1914, 35-36 ; 1915, 120-123 ; 1916, 198-, 199 ; 1917, 268-271 ; History of Study in Britain, 207-237 ; Haunts of the, 309-321. Nairn Mycetozoa, 234. Neolithic flint-working site, Lang- ham Mill on the Stour, 87. Nervous System, growth of (title only), 126. Newton, E. T., exhibits incisor teeth of Rhinoceros, 30. Nicholson, C, exhibits hybernat- ing Wasps, 5 ; Wasps and their Ways (title only), 13 ; exhibits wasp-parasite beetle, Metoecus paradoxus, 26 ; Megacronus inclinans, Epping Forest, 106 ; Crackling of Slates, 112 ; Bubbling air from dry clay under wafer, 264. North Woolwich, Royal Albert Docks Extension visited, 10. Oribata lapidaria, exhibited, 128. Owen, J. H. exhibits photo-slides of nesting habits of Sparrow- hawk. 200. Oxlip hybrid (Primula elatior X veris), 15. Oysters, Pliocene to Modern (title only), 9 ; Oyster spat presented, 24. Paleolithic implements of Lea River gravels, 73, 74 ; of Wanstead gravels, 76-78. Parmelia revoluta, exhibited, 25. Paulson, R., Lichens from Swedish Lapland, 7 ; exhibits Parmelia revoluta, an unattached "wan- dering" lichen, 25 ; conducts excursion to Amersham and Chalfont St. Giles, 113 ; referee at Cryptogamic forays, 118, 197; on Varenne Collection of Lichens, 133 ; conducts ramble at Loughton, 194 ; excursion to Rickmansworth, etc., 203 ; Loughton to Abridge, 266 ; Ecology of Lichens, especially of Epping Forest, 276-286. Pearson, A. A., referee at fungus forays, 21, 118, 193 ; fungi found in forays, 1915, 191 ; Hymenomycetes found in forays, 1916, 193 ; conducts fungus foray, 1917, 267 ; New Hymenomycetes (6), 267. Peltigera polydactyla in fruit, ex- hibited, 128. Pharmaceutical Society's Museum visited, 4. Pheasant, hen in male plumage, exhibited and presented, 273. Phyllody in the Cowslip, 15. Pied Flycatcher, near Kelvedon, 264. Plants of Boulder Clay wastes, 10; colonising burnt forest, 27, 33 ; Essex localities, 85 ; over-reach- ing themselves, 86. Polyzoa, freshwater (title only), 127. Pond life, microscopic exhibit, 9. Ponders End from Hertford, ex- cursion on Lea River, 18. Prehistory in Essex Field Club Publications (Presidential Ad- dress), 145-186.