vii. Priske, A. R. R., Slug new to Essex, 120. Ptilidium pulcherrimum (Web), Hampe, in Epping Forest, 187- 189. Rainbow, lunar, 110. Ramsbottom, J., Microfungi of forays, 1915, 123 ; referee in foray, 195. Red Deer in Epping Forest, 87. Rendle, Dr. A. B., conducts visit to Botanical Department British Museum, 200. Reptiles, British, presented by Mrs. Britton, 127. Rhinoceros incisors exhibited, 30. Rickmansworth excursion, 205. Roman London, syllabus of lec- ture, 127. Ross, J., Ptilidium pulcherrimum Hampe, 187-189 ; Mycetozoa, Chingford district, 192, 193. Rudler, F. W., decease, 28. Saffron Walden and Thaxted, ex- cursion to, 14. Scourfield, D. J., Trip to Swedish Lapland, 6 ; conducts visit to Zoological Gardens, 194; ramble, Loughton to Abridge, 266 ; exhibits luminous moss, Schistostega osmundacea, 272. Seaweed (Laver) Bread exhibited, 5. Seeds, Club collection of, exhibited, 35. Seeds from peat under Lea gravel, Hackney Wick, exhibited, 31. Selborne Society visits Club Mu- seum, Stratford, 4. Sewardstone, Excursion to, 200. Sherrin, W. E., referee in Crypto- gamic forays, 32, 118, 197. Slates, crackling of, 112. Slipper Limpet in Essex, 81. Slug new to Essex, 127. Smith, Miss A. L., referee at forays, 32, 118, 195, 197; Struc- ture and Growth of Lichens (title only), 124 ; conducts fungus foray, 267 ; Cryptogamic foray, 270. Snipe, Breeding habits of, 109. Soar, C. D., Water-mites (Hy- dracarina), Epping Forest, 96- 105. South London Botanical Institute visited, n.s, 194. Somerset Mycetozoa, 234. Sparrowhawk, photo-slides of nest- ing habits exhibited, 200, Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris var. fuscoata, exhibited, 270. Stegomyia fasciata, 249. Stone Implements, sec Neolithic and Palaeolithic Stour, R., Evolution of (syllabus only), 23 ; Langham neoliths, 87. Strahan, A., conducts visitors to Jermyn St. Museum, 201. Stubbs, F. J., blue egg of Lap- wing, 105 ; breeding habits of Snipe, 109 ; corncrake in Essex, 189-192. Terling, Woodcock at, 112. Thaxted and Saffron Walden, ex- cursion to, 14. Theobaldia annulata, 248. Theydon Bois, Prehistoric cooking- site at, 32 ; Corncrake at, 270. Thompson, Percy G., Boulder Clay at Chingford, 2 ; exhibits "bread" made from seaweed (Laver), 5 ; conducts excursion at Fryerning and Blackmore, 16 ; presents Peltigera polydactyla in fruit, 128 ; presents Hydnum coralloides, 202 ; appointed Cura- tor of Club's Museum at Strat- ford, 272. Tozer, A. H., presents young Corncrake (in down), from They- don Bois, 270. Trinder, W. M., supposed author of MS. account of Chigwell Row Medicinal Springs, ca. 1775, 60. Turner, E. E., Essex plant lo- calities, 85 ; plants over-reaching themselves, 86. Tween, C. N., conducts excursion on R. Lea, 18. Ulex europaeus, modified inflores- cence of, 29, 33, 84. Varenne, E. G. (1811-1887), of Kelvedon, botanist, his vasculum exhibited and presented to Club, 273 ; Reminiscences of him, 292-300. Wakefield, Miss E. M., referee in fungus foray, 195 ; conducts fungus foray, 26. Wallace, Dr. A. R., Memorial to, 6. Wanstead Park, Palaeolithic imple- ments, 76-78, Ware Priory, visit to, 19. Warley Place, visit to Miss Will- mott's gardens at, 13. Warren, S. Hazzledine, ex- hibits flint implements of Early