viii. Bronze Age, 5 ; conducts ex- cursion on R. Lea, 18 ; finds prehistoric cooking site at They- don Bois, 32 ; Dating of Early Human Remains (Presd. Addr.), 40—59 ; Pre-History of Essex (Presid. Addr.), 145-186. Wasps, hybernating, exhibited, 5. Wasps and their Ways (title only), 13. Wasps and parasitic-beetle, ex- hibited, 26. Water-mites, 96-105. Water-pipes, wooden, 79, 111, 130. Webb, W. M., report on Meeting of delegates of Corresponding So- cieties at Havre, 1914, 37. Whitaker, W., conducts Selborne Society at Club Museum, Strat- ford, 4 ; conducts excursion to Saffron Walden, 14 ; on River Lea, 18 ; exhibits geological slides, 29 ; conducts excursion to Croydon Bourne, 113 ; visit to Jermyn St. Museum, 201 ; reports on British Association Meeting, 1917, 270 ; conducts Croydon excursion, 274. Whitehead, H., describes Paget colour-photography, 29 ; see also Cole, W., and H. Whitehead Willmott, Miss E., receives Club at Warley Place, 13 ; conducts excursion on R. Lea, 18 ; ex- hibits colour photographs, 34. Willow-gall, 31. Wilson, J., British Association Delegates' report, 131 ; Fresh- water Polyzoa (title only), 127 ; Desmids, with special reference to those found 111 Essex (title only), 197. Wind-rush (mid-Essex), 27 Oct. 1916, 135-145, pls. ii., iii. Wood, J. M., conducts excursion on R. Lea, 18 ; Woodcock at Terl- ing, 112. Woodcock at Terling, 112. Wrigley, A., exhibits jar found at Temple Mills, Leyton, 26 ; Low-Level Gravels of the River Lea and their Palaeolithic Im- plements, 73, 74 ; fossiliferous London Clay at Chingford, 74-76 ; Flint-working site at Langham Mill, on the Stour, 87. Zoological Gardens visited, 194. LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. Crystals and Depe sit from Water from Chigwell Row Medicinal Well (ca. 1775), facing p. 60. Apparatus to measure force needed to fold birch leaf, pp. 71-73. Plate II. Limpet (Crepidula) Crushing in the River Black- water, facing p. 81. Portrait of John Gibbs (1822-1892), Essex Botanist, aged 66, p. 94. Some Epping Forest Water Mites, pp. 100-101. Entomophthora americana, Epping Forest, p. 107. Mid-Essex Wind-rush and Whirl- wind : Chestnut trees wrecked at Roper's Hall, facing p. 139. Plate III. Idem, Wrecked Chimney and Oaktree at Writtle, facing p. 135. Course of Mid-Essex Windrush p. 137 Egg of Honey Buzzard, Little Baddow, 1847, p. 239. Plate IV. Anopheles maculipennis, parts, facing p. 247. Plate V. Idem, two attitudes : Theobaldia annulata, f. and m., facing p. 248. Plate VI. Anopheles maculi- pennis, larvae, facing p. 249. Resting-positions of Mosquitoes, Anopheles and Culex, p. 250. Map of England, Distribution of Anopheles, p. 254. Map of England, former Distribution of Ague, p. 255. Plate VII. Breeding-hole used by Mosquitoes, Epping Forest. Eight species of fertile Lichens on Sheep's Vertebra (see p. 284), facing p. 257 Plate VIII. Lichens, fertile, on Rabbit Pellets (Cladonia fimbriata, C. pyxidata, C. macilenta, C. Floerkeana). Physcia ciliaris, fertile, on living Hawthorn Twig, facing p. 284. Plate IX. Parmelia fuliginosa, var. laetevirens, P. saxatilis on back of Plate. Lichens on 3-year-old Hawthorn Twig, Ramalina farinacea, Par- melia sulcata, Evernia prunastri, Parmelia physodes, var. tubulosa, P. fuliginosa, var. laetevirens, Usnea hirta, facing p. 285. Portrait of Ezekiel George Varenne (1811-1887), of Kelve- don, Botanist, p. 293. Residence of Varenne at Kelvedon, p. 295 [The Editors are greatly indebted to Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., for his kindness in preparing this Index.]