SAMUEL DALE AND THE DALE FAMILY. 57 twenty, he proceeded to Edinburgh, where, five years later, on 12th June 1775, when about twenty-five, he took his degree as M.D. The Latin thesis he presented on this occasion was a treatise on erysipelas, entitled Disputatio Medica Inaugnralis de Erysipelate.45 He is described on the title-page as "Caro- linensis Meridionalis, Soc. Med. Edin. Soc." On 26th June 1786, he was admitted a Licentiate of the (London) College of Physicians. Thereafter, until his death, he practised in the City of London. He is described as having been a good classical scholar, acquainted with various European languages, and one of the founders of the Literary Fund. From 1790, for a number of years, he was Honorary Treasurer of the College. He died at his house in Devonshire Square on 21st February 1816, aged sixty-six, and was buried in Bunhill Fields.46 This Dr. Thomas Dale (junior), by his will, made 14th January 1815, and proved in London 4th July 1816,47 bequeathed to his son, Alfred Dale, his freehold estate in Great Leighs, near Braintree, and directs that his personal property (other than his plate, linen, china, &c., which he gives to his "dear wife"48) shall be divided into three parts, one part to go to each of his three daughters, Catherine Sarah, Mary Ann, and Caroline, while he appoints his wife and his son Alfred as his executors. As to what became of the children (the son and the three daugh- ters), I know nothing. Soon after the death of Dr. Thomas Dale the Younger, his widow and family presented to the Society of Apothecaries of London the portrait of his great uncle, Dr. Samuel Dale, of Braintree, Which still hangs in their Hall in Water Lane, Ludgate Hill. Returning now to Samuel Dale, already mentioned,50 son of North Dale, the silk-throwster, of St. Mary Whitechapel, and younger brother of Francis Dale, we find that the place and date of his birth are not known. There is, however, evidence 45 It was published as a post-octavo pamphlet of 45 pages, printed at Edinburgh by Balfour and Smellie, of the University Press. There are no fewer than five copies in the British Museum. 46 See Munk's Roy. Coll. of Physicians, ii., pp. 362-363; also Dict. Nat. Biogr., xiii., p. 386 (1888), where he is stated erroneously to have been born in 1729. 47 Som. House, Wynne 358. 48 As he leaves her nothing else, she was probably provided already with adequate means of subsistence. Her Christian name does not appear. 49 It is inscribed on the back:—"Samuel Dale, M.L., 1731. Died 1738; aged 79. Pre- sented to the Society by the Widow and Family of Thomas Dale, M.D., who was his great great nephew, 1816." See also Essex Naturalist, xvii. (1913), p. 132 n., where the portrait is repro- duced. 50 See ante, p. 52.