SAMUEL DALE AND THE DALE FAMILY. 59 conjoined town of Bocking (with which, however, he was closely associated: see post); for the births and deaths of all his children were recorded in the Braintree Parish Registers. Samuel Dale was married twice and had children (apparently six) by his first wife, but all, with one exception, pre-deceased. him. Both his wives also died before him. The first wife, whose surname does not appear, bore the Christian name of Judah. He must have married her about the time be settled in Braintree (say, about 1680). The late Rev. J. W. Kenworthy and Mr. H. J. Cunnington, both of Braintree, have favoured me with extracts relating to the Dale family from the Parish Regis- ters, from which I extract the following as to the births and deaths of Dale's children. By his first wife, he had:- 57a (1) A child (sex not recorded) who was still-born and was buried 15th July 1681.57b (2) A son, named Samuel (after his father), born 12th November 1683. He died, aged 44, and was buried 2nd August 1727.58 (3) A son, named North (after his grandfather), born 12th June 1685. He died, aged ten months, and was buried 8th April 1686. (4) A son, also named North,. born—? He died, aged—, and was buried 20th September 1698. (5) A son, named Thomas, baptised 17th June 1686.59 He died, aged four months, and was buried 19th October 1686. (6) A daughter, named Christian, baptised 6th November 1687, who. was still alive when her father made his will in August 1738.59a Dale's first wife, Judah, having died, he married again, but the dates of both events are unknown. The name of Dale's second wife (by whom, apparently, he had no children) was Sarah Finch. Who she was and whence she came, I know not. By her will (made 1st July 1726, and proved 13th March 1729-3060), she describes herself as "wife of Mr. Samuel Dale, of Braintree,. apothecary"61; asserts her good bodily health and soundness of mind; says she makes her dispositions "by virtue of a Deed of Settlement executed by my husband, aforesaid, before my marriage with him"; and gives to her "loving mother, 57a A Priscilla Dale (an entry of whose burial on 6th June 1689 Mr. Cunnington has ex- tracted) may have been a daughter of either our Samuel Daie or of his son Samuel, mentioned above. 57b Mr. Cunnington (who docs not note this entry) finds another:—1682, 3rd July.—"A still-born child of Mr. Dale, Apoticary." Probably this refers to the same child. 58 Another Samuel Dale, buried 2nd February 1730-1, was perhaps a son of this Samuel Dale the Younger. 59 See post. 59a See post, p. 66. 60 Proved before the Rev. P. Wagener, Surrogate to the Dean of Bocking. The will (which appears to be in Dale's own handwriting) is at Somerset House. It bears an armorial seal charged with a cross-botony, but I can trace no such coat in connection with any family of Dale or Finch.. 61 This seems to show that Dale had not yet taken a physician's degree.