SAMUEL DALE AND THE DALE FAMILY. 65 The exact date of Dale's death (like that of his birth) has been long in doubt. Until recently, the accepted date has been 6th June 1739, but this is certainly wrong.91 That he must have been still in fair health in the summer of 1738 seems clear from the fact that, writing to Birch, he speaks92 of having been "at your house in July last." Yet the further fact that, in the following month, he made his will suggests that he felt his hold upon life becoming precarious. Anyway, it is certain that he died between this date and April 1739, when his will was proved.93 The Rev. Stephen Newcomen says94 Dale's death took place 15th March 1738-9, which is very nearly right. As a matter of fact, it occurred three days later, on the 18th of that month. This is recorded in a memorandum by Relhan, discovered some years ago by Prof. Boulger on a sheet in either the Linnean or the Smithian Herbarium, but since lost sight of:—"Samuel Dale dyed between 3 and 4 of the clock on Sunday morning March 18, 1738/39, aged for this 81 year."95 Dale's burial-place, too, has long been in doubt. It has been assumed generally that he was buried at Bocking, in the ground attached to the Chapel, of which he had been one of the founders; but there has been hitherto no definite proof of this, for all the earlier Registers of the Chapel, from 1707 to 1811, have been lost. Some years ago, I searched the grave-yard carefully, in the hope of finding some memorial to him, but entirely without success. Recently, however, Mr. Avery has produced the letter from Newcomen,96 in which, writing just six years after Dale's death, he says:—" He was buried in the yard belonging to the Meeting House in Bocking, aged 79 years. There is no inscription or monument for him: only a stone over his wife,97 who was first buried there."98 This may be regarded as conclusive. Dale's will,99 made 5th August 1738, seven months before his death, and proved (with a codicil dated 17 March 1738-9, the day preceding his death) on 6th April 1739, before the Rev. 91 The error has been due obviously to the misleading obituary notice referred to above. 92 Letter dated 23rd Aug. 1739 (Sloane MS. 4304, io. 40). 93 See post. 94 See letter already referred to (ante, p. 58. 95 As to Dale's age, see ante. 96 See ante, p. 58. 97 Presumedly his second wife. Sarah, though both wives seem to have been buried in one grave (see post, p. 67). 98 Even this stone has now disappeared, so far as I can find. 99 Comm. of London, Essex, and Herts., Bull, 212. E