richard warner's "plantae Woodfordienses." 83 columbaria Forster comments dubiously "have not found this," or "never found this" or "have not seen it in this neighbour- hood." Against Warner's record of Turritis glabra [Arabis glabra] he places the comment, "never found this in this neighbourhood, doubt its being found in this place." Forster indeed expresses doubts as to the validity of many of Warner's local records; his criticisms are as follow:— Acer pseudo-platanus, 'not wild." Betula alnus [=Alnus rotundifolia], "not wild probably." Acorus calamus. "No doubt planted both places. Believe this plant not to be a native of England." Antirrhinum orontium. "Have doubts whether this has ever been found wild in this neighbourhood." "It is possible this may have been one met with in some cornfield." Antirrhinum majus, "probably not indigenous in these parts.' Asplenium Ceterach [Ceterach officinarum], "probably not wild." Atropa belladonna, "doubt this having been found wild." Buxus sempervirens, "nowhere wild probably." Campanula glomerata. "doubt this having been found in this neigh- bourhood." Vinca major, "doubt this being wild hereabouts," but notes at a later date, "Plenty on the left hand side of the road leading from Inks Green to Chingford Hatch very near Ch. Hatch, in the Hedge, apparently wild one flower 19 June 1821." Polypodium dryopteris. "Doubt this." Fumaria capreolata. "Doubt this." Inula helenium. "Doubt this being found wild." Centaurea scabiosa. "Doubt this having been found." Juniperus communis. "Wild quere?" Mercurialis annua. "Doubt this being found wild." Narcissus pseudo-narcissus. "Have doubts whether ever found actually wild." Nymphaea lutea minor. "Probably planted originally." Onobrychis sativa, [O. vicioefolia]. "Do not believe wild." Sanicula europaea. Whilst admitting its occurrence "in the woods,'' Forster places double ? ? in the margin against Warner's record of this plant as being "found in the road between Walthamstow and Lee Bridge." Chrysosplenium oppositifolium. "Doubt this being found here." Sedum reflexum, "not wild." Sedum acre, "not indigenous." Sempervivum tectorum, "not indigenous." Senecio viscosus. "Doubt this having been found wild." Sorbus aucuparia [Pyrus aucuparia]. "Not wild." Tanacetum vulgare, "escaped or thrown from gardens I suppose." Tilia europaea [T. cordata]. "Not actually wild." Valeriana dioica, "do not believe found wild." Verbascum nigrum. "Doubt this being wild. Never found this in this neighbourhood."