Richard warner's "plantae Woodfordienses." 85 of this rare fern destroyed: specimens were, however, gathered from it as late as 1840.6 Forster's records are now perhaps rather of topographical or antiquarian importance than of botanical value. Some of the more interesting may be appended. He notes the occurrence of Artemisia absinthium "in the field between Mark-house and Mr. J. Hibberts garden, 1808." Asplenium adiantum-nigrum "on a wall on the south side of melon ground late Mr. Bowles's, Wanstead, in great abundance, 3rd Oct., 1821," also "on a wall Capworth street, S. side of street, N. side of ye wall." Allium vineale "in the marsh on the N. side of y" Lea-bridge road, also in a field opposite the wooden foot bridge, also in a field next Wood- street leading to y" forest from ye church." Sedum telephium "found in a field on the left hand side of Angel lane leading to Stratford," also "on a bank left hand above lane, 1807." Arum maculatum "sometimes found with a yellowish white spadix, but much most commonly (sic) with a purple one." Berberis vulgaris "in Capworth street." Chenopodium rubrum "in Green-leaves-lane. In lane leading into Broom-field or Mark-house Com-fld. 1808." Butomus umbellatus. "Marsh ditch near Lea-bridge right-hand going towards London, July 1793 in fl. Plaistow-marsh Aug. 1796, fl. In fl. Aug. 18th 1808, in river Rhodon in grounds behind Wanstead going from Hylands to Illford. In the Lake on right hand of road leading to Stratford-road, also (in abundance) in flower in marsh below Plaistow 4 Aug. 1814." Carduus Marianus [Silybum Marianum] "on a Bank just at ye entrance of Higham-hill-com.-fld., at the N.E. corner, 1794." Centaurea calcitrapa. "Plaistow Marsh abundance, Aug. 1796." Dianthus armeria "in a wood on the left hand of the lane leading from Clay street to Chingford—in lane leading from Chingford lane to Ching- ford Hall, in fl. Aug. 1808." Lathyrus nissolia. "In Higham hill-Corn-field; also in the 4th field from our house in Wood-street." Caucalis [Torilis] nodosa "under garden wall Toney-hall 1793." Cichorium intybus "in abundance in road, from entrance of Wal- tham-Abbey, leading to Epping. in fl. Augt 1808." Conium maculatum "hedge in Mark-house-com.-fld." Circaea lutetiana "by the ditch on the rt hand of the lane leading from Hoe street to the church commn fld." Clinopodium vulgare "found by E. F. Jnr Aug. 10 1794 in a field near the Oil-mills, bottom of Marshst. I saw it in flower 17 Aug. 1794." Damasonium stellatum [D. alisma] "found in several ponds on the Forest." 6 The Club's Cryptogamic herbarium contains a single specimen of Cystopteris alpina recorded as from "Leyton Essex,'' without date.