NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 143 recent years the only other occurrence that I am aware of is the one recorded in The Field of 3rd June 1916, as having been seen on 24th May of that year. William E. Glegg. The Ancient Yew in Woodford Churchyard.—A copy of Richard Warner's "Plantae Woodfordienses," 1771, in the Club's Library (presented by Mr. T. Fisher Unwin in 1915), includes an interleaved note opposite Warner's record of Taxus baccata," "The Eugh or Yew Tree," (page 166), as under, written in faded ink:— This famous tree, which is still flourishing, is mentioned by "A Gentleman," Dr. Hughson, Lyson, Mrs. Ogborne, Coller, Christy, and other topographers of Essex, but the above record is probably the oldest detailed account of the Woodford Yew, and is worthy of preservation by reason of its careful and well- attested nature. To afford some data as to the rate of growth of this ancient Yew, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., and Mr. A. Bruce Jackson, A.L.S., at my request, carefully measured the tree on January 4th 1920, with the following results:—