THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 177 The President reported on the fungi and myxomycetes met with, and added some interesting remarks on the resting—or sclerotium—stage of the latter which supervened upon the advent of cold weather. The Party then separated, making its way in small groups through the darkness to Loughton and Chingford stations en route for home. ORDINARY MEETING (509th MEETING). SATURDAY, 29TH NOVEMBER, 1919. The second winter Meeting was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock, the President, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., in the chair. 5S Members and friends were present. Mrs. A. Williamson, of 15, Drayton Road, Leytonstone, E.11., was elected a Member of the Club. The Curator exhibited a collection of British Coleoptera arranged in eleven boxes, which had recently been presented to the Club's Museum. Mr. Mothersole exhibited a fine flint arrow-head with two barbs, which he had picked up near Chelmsford. Mr. Avery exhibited a selection of 55 old prints and views of Waltham Abbey from his collection. Mr. D. J. Scourfield, F.Z.S., exhibited living specimens of the Fairy Shrimp, Chirocephalus diaphanus, from Berkhampstead. Thanks were voted to the several exhibitors. Mr. F. J. Brand reported on the Annual Congress of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, held in London in June, 1919, which he had attended as Delegate of the Club; the thanks of the Meeting were accorded to Mr. Brand for his report. Mr. C. Nicholson, F.E.S., read a short paper entitled "Further Notes on Wasps sucking the Sap of Elms; and Notes on a Hornet's Nest from a Nesting Box for Birds," (see matt, p. 171). Thanks were voted to the author. Miss A. Hibbert-Ware, F.L.S., gave a Lecture on "Field-notes on some Birds of Epping Forest," illustrating same by lantern photographs, and by an exhibition of skins and set-up specimens of birds, and by some pellets and gizzard-contents of the Little Owl. Messrs. Miller Christy, Ross and Thompson contributed to the ensuing discussion, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Lecturer. ORDINARY MEETING (510th MEETING). SATURDAY, 3IST JANUARY, I920. This (the third) winter Meeting was held, as usual, in the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 3 o'clock, the President, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., in the chair. The attendance was 57. The following persons were elected Members of the Club:— Mrs. Charles Whitwell, of 29, Park Road, Wanstead, E.12. Miss Annie Richardson Grove, of 30, Lithos Road, Hampstead, N W.3.