THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 181 The following ladies and gentlemen were elected Members of the Club:— Miss Janet M. Gordon. Miss M. Mitchell, Miss E. Burgess, of the Woodford County High School, Woodford Green. Miss L. G. Cowley, Miss E. Muriel Smith, Miss Muriel Main, of "Almondale," Buckingham Road, South Woodford, E.18. Mrs. Ada G. Batteson, Mr. Victor J. Batteson, } of 201, Earlham Grove, Forest Gate E.7. The Rev. Peregrine N. Maitland, M.A., Rector of Loughton. Mr. Reginald S. Archbould, of Forest Way, Loughton. Mr. Thomas Cleghorn Baillie, M.A., D.Sc., Principal of the West Ham Technical Institute, of no, Hampton Road, Forest Gate, E.7. Mr. Walter Russell, of "Eppingdale," Richmond Road, Ilford. Mr. C. T. Hook, of "The Hoppet," little Baddow. Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S., exhibited a fragment of bone of Ox, gnawed probably by rodents, which he had picked up in Epping Forest that day. Mr. John Avery exhibited a fine series of prints and drawings of Saffron Walden and Audley End. Thanks were passed to the exhibitors. The Curator drew attention to the important Collection of Birds, formerly belonging to, and set up by, the late Henry Doubleday, of Epping, which, through the kind promptitude of a friend, had just been secured for the Club's Museum, at an insignificant cost. The specimens, some 112 in number and beautifully set up, were contained in five glazed cases, and had been purchased by the late Mr. Arthur W. Smee, at the Doubleday Sale at Epping on August 23rd, 1871, and had remained in the possession of his family until now. The business of the Annual Meeting was then proceeded with. The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and duly confirmed. The Hon. Treasurer presented his Accounts for the year ending Decem- ber 31st, 1919, and moved formally that they be received and adopted. Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S., seconded. On being put to the Meeting, the motion was carried unanimously. The Hon. Secretary read the report of the Council on the work and progress of the Club during the past year. On the motion of Mr. J. Ross, seconded by Mr. E. T. Newton, the report was adopted. No nominations having been received other than those made at the meeting held on 28th February last, the President declared the persons then nominated to be duly elected as new Members of Council and Officers for the ensuing year, as follow:— As President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. As new Members of Council, the following:— At the Meeting on 28th February, four retired from the Council in rotation: Miss E. Willmott, F.L.S., V.M.H., Mr. E. N. Buxton, J.P., D.L.; Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S.; and Mr. R. Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. The first three were duly re-elected.