WARNER'S "PLANTAE WOODFORDIENSES." 221 Note.—Specimens of most of the forms referred to above have been deposited by me in the Essex Museum of Natural History at Stratford. ON ANOTHER ANNOTATED COPY OF WARNER'S "PLANTAE WOODFORDIENSES." BY PERCY THOMPSON, F.L.S. (With Two Plates.) [Read 27th November, 1920.] AT the Meeting held on 29th October, 1919, I had the pleasure to read before the Club a paper on a copy of Richard Warner's Plantae Woodfordienses,1 which, as I hope I proved, contained numerous manuscript annotations made by Benjamin Meggot Forster, a member of a well-known family of Walthamstow botanists whose biographies I sketched in out- line. At the Meeting, Professor G. S. Boulger exhibited another and similar copy of the Plantae2 belonging to Dr. B. Daydon Jackson, the amiable General Secretary of the Linnean Society, which copy likewise contained manuscript annotations, these being the work of Benjamin's more famous brother, Edward Forster, whose autograph appears on the flyleaf. Dr. Daydon Jackson was good enough to suggest that I should "write up" his copy of Warner's book in the same way as I had the copy belonging to Mr. Holdsworth, and offered to entrust 1. Essex Naturalist, xix., p. 72. 2. ibid., p. 175.