WARNER'S PLANTAE WOODFORDIENSES. 225 hangs. I am permitted by the Council of the Society to publish the accompanying photograph of this portrait. (Plate XX.) Forster has written on the blank interleaved pages a list of the "Manuscript Additions to the Plantae Woodfordienses writ- ten in Warner's Copy in Wadham College Library,"7 and in some cases has added (in brackets), his own observations. The List is as follows :— Alchemilla. Raii Syn. 158. Alchemilla [vulgaris] foliis lobatis Hudsoni Fl. 59. (2d. ed. 70.) CI : Lin : Tetrandria Monogynia. Ladies Mantle. In meadows and pastures : Found in the copse the South side of Mr. Warner's large meadow (probably planted there). It flowers from June to August. Baccharis monspeliensium Raii Syn. 179. Conyza [squarrosa] foliis lanceolatis acutis, caule annuo corymboso Hud. Fl. 314 (fol: 1an: ac: caule herbaceo corymboso, calycibus squarrosis 2d. ed. 363). Cl : Lin ; Syngenesia Polygamia superflua. Great Fleabane or Plowmans Spikenard. Found in a lane which leads from Fair mead bottom to Chingford, and on the Forest near Mr. Warner's Gravel pit pond. July. Bistorta major. Raii Syn. 147. Polygonum [Bistorta] caule simplicissimo monostachyo foliis ovatis in petiolum decurrentibus. Hudson's Fl. 146. (2d. ed. 168.) Classis Linnaei Octandria Trigynia. The Greater Bistort or Snakeweed. In the Copse S. side of Mr. Warner's large meadow and withinside of an inclosure round his pale pond (probably planted). It flowers May or June. Chenopodium vulvaria. See p. 244.8 Cruciata. Raii. Syn. 223. Valantia [Cruciata] floribus masculis quadrifidis, pedunculis diphyllis Hudson's Fl. 375 (ed. 2d. 441). Cl. L. Polygamia Monoecia. Crosswort or Mugweed. Found under a hedge in Ribton lane near Mr. Warner's. Very uncommon. It flowers in May or June. Flos Adonis. Raii. Syn. 251. Adonis [annua] floribus octopetalis, fructibus subcylindricis. Hudson's Fl. 209. [A. (autumnalis) 2d. ed. 439.] 7. Warner intended these additions to be included in a second edition of his Plan/te Wood- fordienses, which, however, he did not live to publish ; he died in 1775. 8. The reference is to page 244 of the Additions of 1784, where this species is recorded as "not uncommon" by Thos. Furly Forster. Edward Forster there adds the note, "this plant was found by Warner in Horn lane and the road near Chigwell to Chigwell Row. It is written in his copy of the Pl. W. in Wadham College Library."