226 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Cl : Lin : Polyandria Polygynia. Adonis Flower Red Maithes (Pheasant's eye, red Morocco). Found on the forest the North side of Mr. Street's, Woodford (probably escaped from a garden). It flowers June July. Geranium batrachoides. Raii. Syn. 360. G. [pratense] pedunculis bifloris, foliis subpeltatis multipartitis rugosis pinnato-laciniatis acutis, petalis integris. Hud. Fl. 264 (2d. ed. 302. Cl. L. Monadelphia Decandria. Crowfoot Cranesbill. Found withinside of Mr. Warner's pale pond on the forest. It flowers in June, July. Herba Paris. Raii Syn 264. Paris [quadrifolia]. Hud. Fl. 150 (2d. ed 172.) C.L. Octandria Tetragynia. Herb Paris, True love or One berry. In a copse the South Comer of Mr. W.'s large meadow. March April. Against this entry Edward Forster notes the additional records," In Wintry Wood, Epping, and more abundantly in Knightsland Wood, Stanford Rivers. (John Ray)."9 Hesperis matronalis. [Forster intercalates the observation, "this is not an English plant, therefore it is a mistake to mention it as growing wild."] In a field near Mr. Hervey's, Chigwell. [I have seen it there.] Hottonia palustris. See p. 248.10 Lactuca sylvestris murorum flore luteo. R. Syn. 162. Prenanthes [muralis] flosculis quinis, foliis Iyratohastatis. H. Fl. 296. runcinatis 2d. ed. 338. Cl. Lin. Syngenesia Polygamia aequalis. Ivy leaved Sowthistle or wild Lettuce. Found in a lane between Fair mead bottom and Chingford. July, Edward Forster notes against this entry, "Found on the edge of the Forest near Highbeach, in a lane from Henault Forest to Lamborn." Linum sylvestre sativum plane referens. Raii Syn. 362. L. [usitatissimum] calycibus capsulisqs mucronatis, petalis crenatis foliis lanceolate alternis, caule subsolitario. H. Fl. 115. 2d. ed. 133. C.L. Pent: Pentagynia. Common Wild Flax. In cornfield. Found between the Bald faced Stag on the Forest and Chigwell Church. June. Forster gives the following additional records, "In Mark's house field and on the Forest, on the bank of the Oil Mill stream at the bottom of Marshstreet. On Archers piece (?) on the Forest, and Woodford." Saxifraga rotundifolia alba. Raii Syn. 354. S. [granulata] foliis reniformibus lobatis, caule ramoso, radice granulosa. Hudson's Fl. 159. 2d, ed. 182. 9. For an account of John Ray, of Epping, see post, p. 231. A specimen of Paris quadri- folia collected by Ray "near Epping" is in the Club's herbarium. 10. The reference is again to T. F. Forster's Additions of 1784, where, on the page given, the Water Violet is duly recorded, and Edward Forster adds the note, "this was found by Warner and is in his MS. Additions in Wadham College Library."