WARNER'S PLANTAE WOODFORDIENSES. 229 A. Cardamine hirsuta. "In shady places near & on the banks of a brook running from Fair Mead bottom to Chapel End in great plenty in a hedge the edge of the forest beyond Muncombe." Carduus Marianus [now Silybum Marianum], "Near Barking & Ripple side, Dagenham plentifully, near Higham hill field." Centaurea calcitrapa. "not fd in this place" [i.e., where recorded by Warner, at Woodford Row] "but in the marshes near Plaistow." A. Carduus acaulis. "On Henhault Forest between Chigwell row & Hoghill." A. Stellaria glauca [now Stellaria palustris]. "In the marsh ditches between Westham & the Thames—in a pit in Wrangling Meadow Chingford hall." A. Dianthus caryophyllus. "naturalised on a wall at the Tower in the Wall Greenstreet near Plaistow." Dianthus armeria. "in the lane from Chingford to Chingford hall.14 between Coopersale & Abridge," and there is added against the first given locality the further note "again 1839," written in pencil. Lathyrus nissolia. "In Higham hill common field, & in a field not far from the end of Hagger Lane, thro which there was a path to Woodstreet ; on the forest between Honey lane & Epping Green in Hitherwest field near Hale End House." Tordylium nodosum [now Torilis nodosa], "In Shernal street under the wall of Tony hall." A. Centunculus minimus. "Found on a bog S.E. of the Kings Oak on the Forest with Camp. hederacea." A. Anthemis arvensis. "In cornfields & waysides. Found in & near Mark house field." A. Chara translucens. "Found in a gravelpit on Hainault Forest on the left of the track from Fairlop to Hoghill. Found in a gravelpit on the Forest near the Windmill, & behind Prospect House Wood- ford Wells." A. Chenopodium acutifolium [now C. polyspermum]. "in gardens & waste places & on dunghills very common." A. Chenopodium glaucum. "On & near a dunghill between Chingford hatch & Chingford, near the end of the lane which runs North of the Larks." Chenopodium hybridum. "Found in Langbridge Lane Barking E. of Langbridge Farm. 20. Sept. 1841." A. Carduus pratensis. "Found on the Forest between Hale End & the Windmill on the right hand from the road near the back of the Poulterers, very uncommon, on a bog S.E. of the Kings Oak." Clinopodium vulgare. "Found by the roadside beyond Pissingford bridge, among bushes on the edge of a pond in a field leading from the end of the watery lane to the Oilmills below Marsh street Wal- thamstow.15 On the Forest near Epping." A. Cochlearia anglica. "On the Banks of the Thames." A. Cuscuta epithymum. "On the forest between Hagger lane & Woodford." 14. c.f. Benjamin Forster's record, dated 1808. Essex Naturalist, xix., p. 85. 15. From Benjamin Forster's record we are able to date this find as 10 Aug., 1794. See Essex Naturalist, xix., p. 74.