232 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. eye & in Ribton Lane & in the Larks, on the Forest between the Epping road and Warley?." A. Rumex pulcher. "On the forest by the roadside from Wanstead to South lane & near Laytonstone." A. Rumex maritimus. "On the Forest bet. Hale End & the Sale in East- ham marshes near the Devils house & near Dagenham, between Greenstreet & Plaistow & in the Lake near Wanstead, in the Basin in Wanstead Park." A. Rumex palustris [now R. limosus]. "in the Basin in Wanstead Park." A. Rumex pratensis [now R. acutus]. "by the side of the Woodford bridge road between the S mile stone & the bridge, beyond Abridge, & in the marshes near the Thames ?" A. Lemna gibba. "in a brook in the Lea bridge road." A. Utricularia vulgaris. "In Hog hill Pond on Henault Forest first found by J. Woods,18 in the marsh ditches between Westham & the Thames, in a pit on Henhault Forest with Chara translucens, in gravel pits on the Forest between Woodford & Chingford hatch." A. Limosella aquatica, "in cartruts in Higham bushes in Epping Forest, near the E. pales of Mr. Harman's New inclosure. 1884. found by J. W, Griffiths 1822." A. Antirrhinum spurium [now Linaria spuria], "in a field adjoining the Forest near the Hawks Mouth not far from Gilwell house 11 July 1833 & in a field near Latton priory, in a field at Great Parndon." Osmunda spicant [now Blechnum spicant]. "Found near Snares- brook pond, on the side of a little running stream in the Forest between the Epping road & Honey lane green & other parts of the Forest between Loughton & Epping in plenty." A. Epilobium roseum, "by the side of a ditch near Waltham Abby in the road to Epping, by the roadside beyond Little End Stanford Rivers & between Epping Long Green & Brodley Common, in the road from Epping Bury to the Church, between Nasingbury & Nether hall." Epilobium palustre. "Certainly in a boggy place E. of Snaresbrook Pond 25 July 1844.19 In the great bog near Salters Buildings and on a bog near Haggar Lane, on bogs on the forest." A. Lysimachia nemorum. "in moist woods. Found in the woody part of the Forest, near Hagger Lane, to the W. of Golders hill Loughton & between Honey lane green & the Epping road, near Highbeech. near Foxhatch. on the Forest near Epping." Menyanthes trifolia [ta]. "On a bog on Wanstead heath, on a bog near Fairlop, on Henault forest, in the marsh between Westham Abby & the Iron bridges, on the Forest beyond Coopersale." A. Mentha sativa [now M. gentilis]. "Found on the banks of the river Lea in Low Leyton marshes not far from Lea bridge nearer Leyton than the Horse & Groom. & in the brook near Salisbury hall at Chapel End." Mentha piperita. "in a ditch near Whips cross, in a ditch in a field 18. Possibly Joseph Woods, F.L.S. (1776-1864), author of the Tourists' Flora, 1850. 19. This is the latest dated record, and is of interest as showing how Edward Forster's passion for noting the occurrence of wild flowers was maintained to old age : at the date recorded he was in his 79th year.