WARNER'S PLANTAE WOODFORDIENSES. 233 near Little Dublin Clay street, fd. also formerly in Hoe street but now gone." A. Mentha gracilis [now Mentha gentilis], "On the bank of the River Lea below Higham hill. 1792. B.M.F."20 A. Mentha sylvestris [now M. longifolia], "by the roadside near Salisbury hall Chapel End." A. Mentha rubra [now M. gentilis]. "in a ditch in Markhouse lane Walthamstow." Mercurialis annua. "on a dung hill near Mr. Todds below Marsh street Walthamstow." Myosurus minimus. "In a field between Salisbury Hall Chapel End & Chingford hall lane, found formerly near Woodstreet." A. Erysimum cheiranthoides. "Found on a dunghill in a field adjoining to Higham hill field." A. Narcissus biflorus, "in a field East of Woodford Green not far from the spot where Trifolium ornithopodioides grows, in a field be- longing to Scott's, Hale End."21 Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, "in a field at Low Leyton belonging to Mrs. Moyer adjoining a narrow lane the footpath to Leytonstone 1799.22 also nearer Leytonstone B.M.F." A. Iberis nudicaulis [now Teesdalea nudicaulis]. "On the Forest near opposite the end of Eastham lane, plentifully."23 Nepeta cataria. "Near the Red bridge Wanstead, & near Waltham Abby." Ophioglossum vulgatum. "In our field adjoining to the lane leading from Hoe street to the Common field."24 by the roadside on Leppet hill, in Shoulder of Mutton field Hale End." Viburnum opulus. "in the Lea bridge road opposite the Wooden bridge & near the Red bridge, Wanstead, in a wood near Chingford lane & Longdown Wood Hale End." A. Habenaria chlorantha [now H. virescens]. "In Knightsland Wood Stanford Rivers. Found by Mr. John Ray." Ophrys spiralis [now Spiranthes spiralis]. "On the Forest near the Great Bog near Salter's Buildings." A. Papaver dubium. "In corn fields. Found in Markhouse field." A. Polygonum minus, "in a bog in the woody part of the Forest, by the road from Hagger lane to the Windmill & betwn Loughton & High- beech & near the Kings Oak, in other bogs near the Windmill." Asplenium scolopendrium [now Phyllitis scolopendrium]. "On a wall near Marshstreet, in a hedge between Friday hill & Chingford." A. Alisma ranunculoides. "in Wanstead Lake, the pond on the Forest called the Lake near Wanstead plentifully." 20. cf. Benjamin Forster's own record, Essex Naturalist, xix., p. 82. 21. Scott's was the cottage residence of his brother, Benjamin Meggot Forster, from the death of their father in 1812, until his own decease on 8th March, 1829. The property com- prised 20 acres of copyhold land held at a quit rent of 7 shillings, and Mr. G.F. Bosworth records that the fine paid in 1811 (possibly by Benjamin when entering upon the tenancy) was £105.— (The Manors of Low Hall and Salisbury Hall, Walthamstow, 1920, p. 20). 22. c.f. Benjamin Forster's and Pamplin's accounts of this occurrence of Wild Daffodils, as given in Essex Naturalist, xix., pp. 75-76. 23. c.f. Benjamin's fuller and dated record, ibid., p. 82. 24. c.f. Benjamin Forster's dated record. Essex Naturalist, xix., p. 86.