WARNER'S "PLANTAE WOODFORDIENSES." 235 R. leucostachys.28 "in Cow lane leading to Hale End Walthamstow." R. plicatus.28 "on the Forest." Asplenium ruta-muraria. "on a wall at Leyton, on Epping Church, on a wall belonging to Cranbrook near Ilford." A. Salix ascendens Sm.29 "On the Lower Forest between Wanstead Park & East Ham. & elsewhere." Salix russelliana Sm.29 "in hedges & near rivers." Salix caprea.29 "On the forest near the great bog between Salters buildings et the Windmill, & elsewhere." A. Salix aurita b.29 "in moist places on the Forest." A. Salix fragilis.29 "in hedges & near rivers." Salix aquatica Sm.29 "In moist hedges & on the Forest very common." Salix repens.29 "on Epping Forest." Salix cinerea.29 "On the Forest & in hedges." Salix oleifolia Sm.29 "in the Lea bridge road." Salix prostrata.29 "In a gravelpit on the Forest near the Kings Oak Highbeech—upright ? in Great Shrubbush." Salix mollissima Sm.29 "in meadows near the River Lea Walthamstow." Salix stipularis.29 "in marshes near the River Lea." Salix Forbyana Sm.29 "In the marshes near the River Lea." Salix Lambertiana Sm.29 "In the marshes near Lea Bridge." Salix lanceolata.29 "In the marshes near Higham hill." A. Salix monandra Borrer.29 "In the marshes near the River Lea." Salix triandra Hoff.2" "Near the Rhodon in the Woodford bridge road." Sambucus ebulus. "In Upton Lane opposite the garden wall of Upton house, probably escaped, since found on the edge of the Forest near Highbeech 1805. in a hedge by the bridle way from Chigwell Church to King's place, nearly opposite the moat & not far from the Rhodon. 1837." A. Sagina apetala: "On walls et gravel walks &c. very common." Chrysosplenium oppositifolium. "nowhere but in bogs among alders near Foxhatch et in the boggy thicket with Osmunda regalis near Warley Common." Serratula tinctoria. "near Snaresbrook pond." A. Sonchus palustris. "Found in the marshes below Plaistow." Sorbus aucuparia [now Pyrus aucuparia]. "in Great Shrubbush 1840." A. Stachys ambiguum [now S. palustris]. "in a ditch by the roadside in Hawcock Lane leading from the Forest to Coopersale 10 July 1840." Taxus baccata. "One plant in the Larks 1840." A. Lepidium hirtum [now L. heterophyllum]. "On a bank the South side of Markhouse field Walthamstow, in a field between Hill house et Clayhall not far from Claybury 1835." The last station is subject to three ? ? ? in pencil added by the recorder. A. Thlaspi arvense. "Found in the garden of the house called the Grove Westham late Mr. T. Williams's." 28. The nomenclature is Forster's. The records may be of service to students of this difficult genus. 29. Forster's records are inserted here for the use of students of the genus.