236 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Euphorbia platyphyllos. "Found 1791 in the field the bottom of Horn Lane Woodford Row. in a cornfield near Claybury." A. Tormentilla reptans [now Potentilla erecta]. "on the Forest between Hagger Lane & Mill Cottage 3 July 1831. found there many years ago." A. Tragopogon porrifolius, "in a field near the Lea bridge road. B.M.F."30 Asplenium trichomanes, "on a wall in Woodstreet now destroyed— at Mrs. Movers Leyton." Medicago polymorpha [now M. arabica]. "by the roadside near Waltham Abby in the road to Warleys. in Shernal Street." A. Trifolium maritimum [now T. squamosum]. "Found on the Forest between Woodford & Woodford Row with T. ornithopodioides, very uncommon." A. Valeriana rubra [now Kentranthus ruber] "on a wall at Upton." A. Vaccinium myrtillus. "In a corner of the Lower Forest beyond Epping near a Gate leading to Park hall Woods &c. 1843." Verbena officinalis. "flowers pink, Ambres. bank (the camp) Epping Forest." A. Veronica polita [now V. didyma]. "in the garden at Hale End house." A. Veronica montana. "in Long Down Wood between Hale End & Chapel End Walthamstow." Vinca minor. "in the Larks (also under Mr. Harmans pales in the Sale doubtful) in a hedge W. of Latton priory." Viola hirta. "Found by the roadside between Woolston hall & Abridge. On Inks Green near Hale End. first found there by Miss Margaret Woods in a field near Inks Green." Solidago virga aurea. "Found on the Forest between Loughton & Theydon Gate & between the Kings Oak & Copthall." Ophrys ovata [now Listera ovata]. "In Mr. Norris's Orchard at Wood- ford. In Knightsland Wood, Stansted (sic.) Rivers 1843." Convallaria multiflora [now Polygonatum multiflorum]. "Under a holly bush on the Forest not far from Epping Mill, first found by Edwd Doubleday." Thus far the annotations to Warner's original book of 1771: the Additions of 1784, the work of his brother, Thomas Furly Forster, are in the same way annotated by Edward Forster, and new records noted : A. Pilularia globulifera. "in Lord's Pond, Hoghill in Henhault Forest, fd. by T.T.F."31 Polypodium filix faemina [now Athyrium filix-foemina]. "on the banks, of a rivulet in the woody part of the Forest beyond Loughton near the road which leads from Honey lane green to the Epping road, in an alder bog near Foxhatch." Hieracium umbellatum. "in Park hall wood Theydon Gernon with more jagged leaves, in a spinney between Chingford Church &. Chingford Green." 30. For Benjamin Forster's more detailed record of this plant see Essex Naturalist, xix., p. 81. 31 The initials are not very legible ; see footnote, ante p. 234.