MORE ABOUT MOORLOG. 247 winds were probably prevailingly westerly, the prevailing direction at present being rather more south-westerly." I have to thank Mr. Brooks also for drawing my attention to a paper on the subject.4 A westerly or west-north-westerly wind would have carried pollen across the Dogger Bank from places where the counties of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire now stand. Other evidence as to age may come to light : in the meantime one may surmise that at least a portion of the Dogger Bank was above sea level as late as Neolithic times. APPENDIX A. Positions and Depths of Samples of Moorlog examined. The depths are taken from the Admiralty chart of the North Sea. 4. J. Fairgrieve. "Evidence of Meteorological Conditions in the Distant Past," Quart. Journ. Roy. Meteorological Society, 46 (1920), pp. 438-39. 5. "Pholas never makes its home in loose blocks. . . . If, as I think, this species takes two years to reach full growth, then it is evident that the ledge of Moorlog full of half-grown specimens must have been exposed to the sea continuously for one year, but not for longer."— Clement Reid, Submerged Forests, p. 43. 6. Essex Naturalist, xvi., p. 56.